I can't get it to work in Cucumber

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Sep 26, 2010, 3:43:39 PM9/26/10
to Machinist Users
Machinist works great in my rspec test but when I try to use it in
steps for my cucmber features I get and undefined method 'make'.

I assume that there is a problem with my configuration and it is not
loading the blueprint file correctly.
But I am having a very hard time tracking the issue down.

In rsepc I have a spec_helper file which loads it up and resets sham
before each test but I don't know how to duplicate that in cucumber.

I have checked the env.rb and both the test and cucumber environment
files and everything looks to me like it is correct.

Appreciate what ever help I can get.
rails 2 app, not 3
Thank you


Sep 26, 2010, 8:58:52 PM9/26/10
to Machinist Users
I got make to work.
As it turns out it was just a silly typo.
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