Note this is an informal meetup with no hard start/end times, intended
primarily to allow those attending to get to know each other and engage
in free-form discussions.
For those unable to attend in person, we will try to record and live
stream the talks. Details will be provided when available.
For those coming - please let us know when you're planning
to arrive and leave.
Tormach LLC
1071 Uniek Drive
Waunakee, WI 53597
timezone: CST - UTC-5
"Emergency" local contact: Jason Penn
+1 (608) 239-0415
Fri. June 27:
Those folks are showing up early can meet at the Tormach facility that
7PM Informal group dinner (location to be announced).
Sat. June 28:
General discussion and mingling throughout the day.
3PM Overview of the new trajectory planner - Rob Ellenberg
apx. 45min + 45mins Q&A
6PM Barbecue dinner provided by Tormach
Sun. June 29:
9AM Machinetalk Tutorial - Michael Haberler
11AM Hello World in QtQuickVCP - Alexander Rössler
remote via Skype
Wrap up and head home.