Known errors in print

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Mathias Brandewinder

Jul 31, 2015, 8:28:08 PM7/31/15
to Machine Learning Projects for DotNET Developers
This is the current list of know errors in print - if you spot a problem, please share!

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Stefan Alfbo

Aug 2, 2015, 8:22:11 AM8/2/15
to Machine Learning Projects for DotNET Developers

I found an error in "Chapter 1, Dissecting Our First F# Script".

The reader function is referring to a function called toFactor, however in the listing 1-10 the function is called toObservation. Later in the text the function name observationFactory is also used when dissecting the reader function.

Best regards

Mathias Brandewinder

Aug 3, 2015, 2:56:34 AM8/3/15
to Machine Learning Projects for DotNET Developers
Thanks so much for pointing that out! I'll include this ASAP - need to get my own physical copy of the book first, to map it to the correct page :)

James Freiwirth

Nov 16, 2015, 6:52:50 AM11/16/15
to Machine Learning Projects for DotNET Developers

First of all really enjoying the book! Still working my way through it but I have spotted a few errors so far:

Page 34: "messages from the United Kingdom" - Actually most of the messages are from Singapore, as is evidenced by the use of "Singlish" in the quoted examples. (see dataset description:

Page 44: I think the third formula should be a probability rather than a score (this concept hasn't been introduced yet), and is missing the divisor P(containts driving & cant & txt).

Page 45: Top formula should not have logarithms applied

Page 63: "another jump up, from 96.7% to 98.3" should read "another jump up, from 97.9% to 98.3%"

Feb 18, 2016, 11:57:06 PM2/18/16
to Machine Learning Projects for DotNET Developers
Page 47. In Extracting Code into Modules. The second sentence in paragraph 1 "In order to do that, simply right click on the solution and pick Add New Item, then choose Source File."  should read ....."click on the project.....".    When adding the source file item to the solution, it is not visible to the .fsx script in the project.

Brandewinder, Mathias (2015-06-29). Machine Learning Projects for .NET Developers (p. 47). Apress. Kindle Edition.

Viktor Schepik

Apr 29, 2016, 11:18:07 AM4/29/16
to Machine Learning Projects for DotNET Developers

I appreciate this book very much. Thanks. I found an error in Chapter 1, below the headline "Training and Evaluating a Classifier Function". The 4th line of source code is missing the tuple braces and comma at the call of the manhattanDistance function. I got it working this way:

|> Array.minBy (fun x -> manhattanDistance (x.Pixels, pixels))

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