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Help with Malware/Antivirus

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Jun 22, 2024, 11:06:41 AM6/22/24
to Group machacers
I have used Malwarebyes for years on all my Macs, however, when I tried to renew my subscription this year the app didn't properly load on my Mac.  I canceled my subscription after working with their Tech Support to fix the problem, unsuccessfully.

So, now, I need to find and install malware or antivirus protection on my Mac.  Which type should I get? Which company?

I'm reaching out to the Mac Hacers because, being computer-illiterate, I need all the help I can get.

In the past, when I needed anything for my Mac -- hardware, advice, etc. --  I would call LA Computer (or take my Mac there) in Anaheim and speak with Patrick.  LA Computer Co. took care of all my computer needs for 20 years, but that company closed its doors last December.  

So, here is the second thing I need help with (from those of you who are familiar with LA Computer and the services/products they provided):  Where do I get help, now, without lugging my computer to the Apple Store at the Brea Mall?

Thanks (to all who can and will help!),

Joan Machock

Jun 22, 2024, 3:32:02 PM6/22/24
to, Group machacers
Hi Joan,

I don’t have a computer repair center recommendation for you that far south, I have Hollywood and Burbank recommendations.

But allow me to respond to your Malwarebytes question:

Good news - Mac computers do not need any sort of antivirus or cleaning software. Anti-virus and similar types of software can cause performance issues, security issues, and make macOS appear buggy. Your Mac is worse with these types of Apps installed.

In addition, Mac computers cannot get any traditional "viruses". The only area of concern is some malware, mostly adware, and it's easily avoidable. Do not install apps from unknown sources, and you'll be safe!

Here are some links that describe Apple's built-in malware protection, which are far superior:

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