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Policies for the Discussion Group have been posted here: CODE OF CONDUCT.
The MaCFP Working Group is intended as an open, community-wide,
international collaboration between fire scientists (both
experimentalists and modelers).
MaCFP has two subgroups, focused on
developing a fundamental understanding of condensed- and gas-phase fire
phenomena in order to advance predictive fire modeling.
The MaCFP homepage is: This page provides a summary and additional links to information on both the Condensed- and Gas-Phase Working groups, including: background, objectives, guidelines for participation, and summaries of previous workshops.
Condensed Phase
All experimental measurements submitted as part of the MaCFP Condensed Phase Workshops are available here:
The specific objectives of the subgroup are to:
Gas Phase
All experimental measurements submitted as part of the MaCFP Gas Phase Workshops are available here:
The specific objectives of the subgroup are to: