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Forthcoming release 1.24.11

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Doug Torrance

Oct 1, 2024, 9:42:47 AM10/1/24
to Macaulay2
Dear Macaulay2 authors and workshop participants,

Thank you all for your work for the mathematical community as part of the Macaulay2 project.

We aim to issue our next binary release of Macaulay2, version 1.24.11, on November 1, 2024.  This is a bit earlier than the usual November 15 date to ensure that it is ready in time for the "Macaulay2 in the Sciences" workshop in Leipzig later that month.

If you are working on a package or on Macaulay2 itself and hope for your latest work to be included, we would like to receive your GitHub pull request by October 25.

The package writing style guide is here:

and some information about submitting packages using git is here:

Doug Torrance

Oct 14, 2024, 9:57:58 AM10/14/24
to Macaulay2
Reminder: if you have any proposed changes for the next release (planned for November 1), please submit a GitHub pull request by next Friday, October 25.
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