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Macaulay vs Macaulay2

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Ricardo Fabbri

Sep 18, 2024, 1:55:24 PM9/18/24
to Macaulay2
Hi, all,

I am writing a tutorial advocating Macaulay2 for a broader audience in the field of computer vision.  Would it be acceptable, in your opinion, to use simply Macaulay rather than Macaulay2?

I am aware that this risks confusion with the original Macaulay system, which was very different.
However, wouldn't it be safe to take that risk? A broader audience would adopt Macaulay easier than Macaulay2.

The Macaulay link is from 1994 and in 2003 the authors themselves were already switching to Macaulay2. A search for "Macaulay software" always returns Macaulay2.

Form the web: Macaulay continued to be updated and used for some time after the 1993 introduction of Macaulay2.  The last released version was 3.1, from August 2000. The Macaulay webpage currently recommends switching to Macaulay2.

Is there a real chance the original Macaulay makes a comeback? I understand mathematical software can be somewhat timeless, but why stick  to Macaulay2?

Ricardo Fabbri

Mahrud Sayrafi

Sep 18, 2024, 6:30:27 PM9/18/24
Hi Ricardo,

> I am writing a tutorial advocating Macaulay2 for a broader audience in the field of computer vision.

This sounds very interesting!

> A broader audience would adopt Macaulay easier than Macaulay2.

I'm a bit confused by this sentence. How does the name used in the tutorial affect whether the broader audience adopts a programming language?

The word "Macaulay" appears in many places online, mostly outside of mathematics, but even within mathematics terms like "Macaulay inverse systems" and "Cohen-Macaulay" are used a lot. One benefit of using "Macaulay2" for your audience is that it makes it clear that you're talking about the programming language, and it makes it possible to search online or in arXiv and find all references to the programming language only. (e.g. try googling Macaulay ring and compare with Macaulay2 ring)


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