Suppose X is the 2-dimensional toric variety given by the fan consisting of a single ray, span(1, 0).
I am trying to create the Stanley-Reisner ring for X. Creating it from its fan using the stanleyReisnerRing method gives :
i4 : stanleyReisnerRing (fan (X))
../../build/M2/share/Macaulay2/Core/quotring.m2:153:27:(1):[2]: err
or: expected ideal of the same ring
whereas creating it using dual of the monomial ideal gives,
i5 : (ring X)/(dual monomialIdeal X)
:(2):[2]: -- not yet implemented for degenerate varieties
In this case I am expecting to get just a polynomial ring in 1 variable but I would like to compute more complex examples. Here I just gave the simplest one where it fails.
Is it happening because its degenerate? Is there a way around this?
Best regards,
Best regards,