This is to advertise the next meeting of the seminar series “Macaulay2: under the hood”. This series explores mathematical, algorithmic, and software issues behind the M2 software program. We will explore Macaulay2 in more depth; in particular, understand how its computations work, in order to be able to more effectively use Macaulay2. All are welcome.
Our second 1 hour meeting will take place on
September 25, 2024 at 9AM PDT, 10AM MDT, 11AM CDT, 12:00 PM EDT, 17:00 BST, 18:00 CEST
Zoom info:
Meeting code: 972 6877 8504
Password: Macaulay2
Speaker: Mike Stillman (Cornell) (M2 developer)
Title: Free resolution algorithms
Abstract: In this talk, we will describe the mathematics behind the implementations of free resolutions in Macaulay2. In particular, the Schreyer resolution and its variations will be explored, including examples.
Click here to sign up for the mailing list for this series. Click here to unsubscribe from the mailing list. A recording of the talk will be posted on the M2 zulip channel.
Christine Berkesch, Diane Maclagan, and Mike Stillman