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Red Hat Enterprise Linux

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Mar 29, 2024, 1:21:05 PM3/29/24
to Macaulay2
Our college IT has had lots of changes in personnel over the past few years, so I'm stuck using M2 1.20 on their machines. 

I got an email today claiming that if only there was a Red Hat Enterprise Linux version that they could figure out, maybe they would get around to updating the college machines.

Any comments from anyone?

Doug Leonard
Auburn University

Theresa Arzadon-Labajo

Sep 18, 2024, 1:55:01 PM9/18/24
to Macaulay2
Hi Doug,

What version of RHEL are you running?

We are mostly RHEL 8 and are stuck on 1.15.

There was a request for version 1.24 recently and I have been going down a rabbit hole.  So, I recently stood up a RHEL 9 server and installed the Rocky 9.4 rpm on there.

It's been my plan to eventually try and see if a spec file exists or can be created so it would be easier to upgrade M2 on RHEL (and derivatives).

Let me know what you ended up doing.

Institute for Advanced Study
School of Mathematics
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