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MacAdmin Monthly March Madness Meeting - Tuesday

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Edward Marczak

Mar 11, 2018, 12:00:40 PM3/11/18
Please join us for the March meeting of MacAdmin Monthly, this Tuesday, the 13th of March at 4:30pm (Eastern) in person, or via Google Hangouts.

This month, Michael Lynn will help us get up to speed on the latest in Apple's Secure Boot, and what we're going to do about imaging new Macs. Of course, we'll have our usual open discussion time.

Also, help us shape the future of MacAdmin Monthly: if you haven't, please fill out our questionnaire:

Find out more on the content, how to join the Hangout or Slack channel, or joining in person on the meeting page:

If you're in NY and would like to join in person, please meet us by 4:15pm at the Google NYC Offices: 111 8th Avenue, NY, NY.
Edward Marczak

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