Providing support to customers

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Vero Pepperrell

Feb 18, 2011, 4:19:42 AM2/18/11
to Mac Development - UK & EU
Having spoken to a few other fast-growing yet still very small Mac
startups, there seems to be a running theme when it comes to customer
support: We all want to do better.

We're currently using Get Satisfaction, Twitter and email for support.

I've investigated Zendesk, Assistly and a few others. None of them
seem quite right and most of them are rather expensive - especially
when taking into account that more than one agent might be needed.

Has anyone yet uncovered the holy grail of software support? The
ultimate in making both the customer and the team happy?

Would love to hear other people's feedback :)


Michael Dales

Feb 18, 2011, 4:30:24 AM2/18/11
to, Mac Development - UK & EU
At Camvine we used Tender, which offered very slick integration with our web service (including single sign on, so customers had no idea they were on a foreign site) and we used Lighthouse by the same people for bug tracking, so we could tie dev tickets to customer tickets, which worked well for both parties (devs see original complaint, customer feels dev is doing something).

Not exactly cheap, but easily paid for itself in customer happiness and support team happiness.

Single sign on is killer though - real helps with customer experience for us.

Sent from my phone

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Ruben Bakker

Feb 18, 2011, 5:26:56 AM2/18/11
I've compared Tenderapp and Zendesk, I preferred Tenderapp and I've setup an account for my new and upcoming product called Replies. Tenderapp has a good knowledge base which can be searched before posting new support requests. I also like the fact that I use email to answer the support tickets.

Shameless plug:
Replies, my new product, is a specialized email client for doing email support. I created it because email support for Mailplane was taking more and more time. Replies reuses your previous email responses, this way you don't need to rewrite the same answers over and over again. And there's no need to create 'canned responses' as you already created them by answering emails :)

More information: 
If you like to beta-test it, just let me know.
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Ruben Bakker // uncomplex gmbh // Switzerland // // // twitter


Feb 18, 2011, 7:16:04 AM2/18/11
to Mac Development - UK & EU
I sometimes fee like I've searched high and low for the holy grail
(and for the other holy grail - mac based live chat app). I've yet to

The first time I tried zendesk I didn't get it. I do know but it still
seems a little overly complicated for what it does. Maybe I'm a bit

Hadn't seen Assistly before and I like their flex option (although I
have no current need for it).

It seems quite easy for the price to start adding up though when you
separate out the support channels. And I often think that they do
functions already available:

Customer forums before GetSatisfaction
Self hosted support desks before Zendesk.

Ideally I'd like to have an all in one self hosted solution with a
superb mac app I can access it all from... maybe I should get on and
do one (as I've been moaning about this for years now!)

So.. in summary.. no!
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