Very nice collection of Stotras and stutis followed by Madhva shastra.
Iam very much thankful to you for Durga Stuti which i have downloaded and am reciting.
May Lord Sri Hari bless you and your family.
#2 Sart with the Nakha stuti, chant Vayu stuti, and end with Nakha stuti. Repeat Nakha stuti, chant Vayu stuti in reverse order and end with Nakha stuti. Then, chant the Abheestha Shloka 108 times. Repeat the whole procedure as described previously once again. Here Abheeshta Shloka chanting is placed between two sets of complete recitation (in mala order).
#3 Start with the Abheeshta Shloka and recite till the end and finish with Nakha stuti. Repeat Nakha stuti again and chant in reverse order. End with Nakha stuti. Recite Nakha stuti once again and reach till the shloka before Abheeshta Shloka. This completes one mala. Repeat this a total of 7 times. Or this is done once a day for seven consecutive days.
@Shridevi Bhat
Why are you aspiring for harivayu sthuthi??
If you think you want to learn new things, please try to learn the meanings of Madhwanaama,dasa saahitya, etc what you chant daily abt 4 to 5 hrs. then try chanting them simaltaneously by remembering their meaning. Actually this is the way to do a paaraayana. If you search for those meanings you will try to learn new things and of course you will move ahead in your saahadhane.
Hi Hrishikesh,
I am Archana and am happy to read your blog very informative. Now, all I want to know is can I read hari vayu stuti everyday ?? I am not married so i dont want to talk about the paapas and punyas now.. Iam inclined towards sipritual things.. I downloaded the vayu stuti and i heard it once.. just want to confirm if we can read or we can atleast listen to it everyday is my Q. Please reply back..
viṣṇōrattyuttamatvādakhilaguṇagaṇaistatra bhaktiṁ gariṣṭhāṁ
āśliṣṭē śrīdharābhyāmamumatha parivārātmanā sēvakēṣu
yaḥ sandhattē viriñcaśvasanavihagapānantarudrēndrapūrvē-
-ṣvādhyāyaṁstāratamyaṁ sphuṭamavati sadā vāyurasmadgurustam 15
subrahmaṇyākhyasūrēḥ suta iti subhr̥śaṁ kēśavānandatīrtha-
śrīmatpādābjabhaktaḥ stutimakr̥ta harērvāyudēvasya cāsya
tatpādārcādarēṇa grathitapadalasanmālayā tvētayā yē
saṁrādhyāmū namanti pratatamatiguṇā muktimētē vrajanti 41
vāyu stutiḥ
pāntvasmān puruhūtavairibalavanmātaṅgamādyadghaṭā-
-kumbhōccādrivipāṭanādhikapaṭu pratyēka vajrāyitāḥ
śrīmatkaṇṭhīravāsyapratatasunakharā dāritārātidūra-
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viṣṇōrattyuttamatvādakhilaguṇagaṇaistatra bhaktiṁ gariṣṭhāṁ
āśliṣṭē śrīdharābhyāmamumatha parivārātmanā sēvakēṣu
yaḥ sandhattē viriñcaśvasanavihagapānantarudrēndrapūrvē-
-ṣvādhyāyaṁstāratamyaṁ sphuṭamavati sadā vāyurasmadgurustam 15
subrahmaṇyākhyasūrēḥ suta iti subhr̥śaṁ kēśavānandatīrtha-
śrīmatpādābjabhaktaḥ stutimakr̥ta harērvāyudēvasya cāsya
tatpādārcādarēṇa grathitapadalasanmālayā tvētayā yē
saṁrādhyāmū namanti pratatamatiguṇā muktimētē vrajanti 41
Rgveda contains primarily Mantras (set in 2, 3 or 4 padas पद) dealing with the stuti for devatas, their invocation, yajnakarmas, karmakanda (कर्मकण्ड), upasana mantras (उपसन-मन्त्र), mantras related to different worldly activities such as dana (दनम्), conduct, medical remedies etc.
Ya i was referring to the mukhya prana chakra and Vayu stuti yuktam ,not the book.I saw it in the hanuman temple which has a photo of Hanuman and rama written all over it and a chakra next to it.
It was written as vayu stuti and mukhya pranam yuktam.
In olden days women like Gargi, shashwathi were teaching the vedas, How can it possible to them? Even Kalyanidevi made somany sanskrit shlokas in Sanskrit (Eg: Laghuvayustuti)
And also will you please tell me about Kalyanidevi & her works
Thanks for ur Reply. I felt very happy to see this Reply. It is more informative.
But I have a doubt regarding the vedas related to women!
In olden days women like Gargi, shashwathi were teaching veads, how can it possible to them? were they special than an ordinary woman? Even kalyanidevi made somany sanskrit Shlokas (eg: Laghu Vayustuti)
Please tell me about Kalyanidevi & her works.
Pranam Hariji,
I post my questions in Chiranji Blog, In one of my query..he asnwerd me look out for Narsumha stuti in your blog.I have searched your blog but could not find it.
I have a question/doubt here, as I happen to go to hanuman/shnai temple on many pradikshanas one has to do.please clarify this.