Lynda's Lot site forum

Contact owners and managers
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Post or email direct to public message board:
  • (Gmail users): Click the red NEW TOPIC button above to post a message.  When creating a new message, choose a tag (appearing under your message).  This tag is to define the branch/tree (or not) your message relates to.

  • (Anyone): Email direct to public message board. Please put the title of the relevant branch in your subject line, followed by the topic, e.g. Scrimmager & Dunlop - Jim Orr.
Forum membership:
  1. Gmail users joining this forum have the option to set message delivery settings.
  2. If I add you to the forum, you will receive an email whenever a message is posted, regardless of which branch it relates to.  Should you prefer to receive instead an email digest, or not receive emails but check the board yourself, let me know and I'll change your message delivery settings. 

Viewers can search for all messages of a particular branch by clicking the Tags option above right.

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