S100 Easy Questions...

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Craig Jones

Sep 14, 2023, 1:08:19 AM9/14/23
to LXNav Soaring Glider Equipment User Discussion Group
HI all. Just installed an s100. The manual is a beast but still doesnt answer a lot of questions and ive a few problems i hope someone can answer. Actually i would say a lot of questions, but these are the important ones.

Task Upload. I have a Bluetooth connection through my Oudie N to both my s100 and Powemouse.  In theory, according to the Oudie Manual, to upload a task to the LX it should have a button on the Oudie Nav page saying "upload Task." It doesn't. Is it correct that the only way to upload task is if there is a cable connection from the Oudie to S100? If that is the case, i sort of wonder the point of the Bluetooth on the s100.

Wildly Over-Optimistic S100 Vario. I have the S100 set up using the total energy probe. No compensation yet as suggested in the manual. When in cruise, the S100 vario will swing wildly in lift and sink. For example, it will indicate an 8 knot up thermal (or gust) when the Winter Vario is 2. When i go to thermal, it is in fact a 2 knot thermal.  Am i better setting it up to use electronic compensation? Is there a way to improve this? I

Is there a way to get the Flarm targets to show on the thermal assistant page when needed most.

Profiles. I dont think mine is that good. Is there a place where more experienced S100 users lists the setting of their profiles like say in XC soar?

Thanks to anyone who can answer any of these.

Paul Remde

Sep 14, 2023, 8:49:51 AM9/14/23
to LXNav Soaring Glider Equipment User Discussion Group
Hi Craig,

Please see my notes below.

Paul Remde
Cumulus Soaring, Inc.

On Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 12:08:19 AM UTC-5 cr...@moogoo.com.au wrote:
HI all. Just installed an s100. The manual is a beast but still doesnt answer a lot of questions and ive a few problems i hope someone can answer. Actually i would say a lot of questions, but these are the important ones.

Task Upload. I have a Bluetooth connection through my Oudie N to both my s100 and Powemouse.  In theory, according to the Oudie Manual, to upload a task to the LX it should have a button on the Oudie Nav page saying "upload Task." It doesn't. Is it correct that the only way to upload task is if there is a cable connection from the Oudie to S100? If that is the case, i sort of wonder the point of the Bluetooth on the s100.

*** The Oudie N and SeeYou Navigator don't yet support task declarations to external devices.  That functionality will be available in time. This is documented on the Naviter Oudie N website.  

The Bluetooth connection between the S100 and Oudie N is very useful now.  The S100 forwards FLARM, airspeed, and TE compensated vario data to the Oudie N.  The Oudie N displays FLARM and ADS-B traffic, uses the S100 airspeed for more accurate wind calculations that are helpful for final glide calculations, and uses the S100 TE compensated vario information to make the Oudie N's Thermal Assistant much more useful than it would be otherwise.

Wildly Over-Optimistic S100 Vario. I have the S100 set up using the total energy probe. No compensation yet as suggested in the manual. When in cruise, the S100 vario will swing wildly in lift and sink. For example, it will indicate an 8 knot up thermal (or gust) when the Winter Vario is 2. When i go to thermal, it is in fact a 2 knot thermal.  Am i better setting it up to use electronic compensation? Is there a way to improve this? I

If you're using HAWK, there was a bug in HAWK that has been fixed in the latest beta version of the S100 firmware.  You can download it at www.lxnav.com/beta.  If you have the S100 connected to a TE probe, then make sure the electronic TE compensation parameter is set to exactly zero.  If you change to electronic compensation, you can set it around 100%, but in that case it is very important that you also change the tubing connections on the back of the S100 with both the TE and Pstatic ports connected to glider static.  

I suspect that you may have the tubing on the back of the S100 connected incorrectly.  You may want to setup a navbox on the S100 to display indicated airspeed.  It is very common to connect tubing incorrectly on the S100 - because the Ptotal and Pstatic port descriptions and the descriptions on Winter airspeed indicators in German are easy to misinterpret.  It happens a lot.

Is there a way to get the Flarm targets to show on the thermal assistant page when needed most.

On the S100 or the Oudie N?  On the Oudie N, make sure you have the Oudie N connected to the S100 over Bluetooth and the FLARM layer enabled.

Profiles. I dont think mine is that good. Is there a place where more experienced S100 users lists the setting of their profiles like say in XC soar?

I have several S100 training videos which you may find helpful.

Craig Jones

Sep 14, 2023, 8:59:03 PM9/14/23
to LXNav Soaring Glider Equipment User Discussion Group
Thanks so much Paul. I didn't seem to see flarm targets on my Oudie N but it would have been thermal assistant mode and I am not sure they show on that page.  So I was assuming there was no communication taking place. Next time I fly I will see if my Oudie is getting its wind and vario info from the S100 by putting an IAS nav box on the Oudie..it will only show if it's getting data from the Lx.

Great suggestion about setting up an IAS nav box to check the LX is getting the right info. I don't have Hawk as have hear mixed reports but also want to make sure I'm using info I

I have read in other places that the OudieN will upload tasks to LX nav. As the cut and paste below from this forum. I also tried to upload a task using XC SOAR on android. On Xc soar' devices page' it would pair to the Lx nav but have a "Bluetooth device not supported.'  So at the moment I've no way of uploading tasks other than create and save a task to oudie. Email it to a pc. Save the task to a micro sd card.. Then put that in the Lx and find it and load it. So not worth doing just yet. Bit frustrating but il sort it.

Post from 2022 'to declare a task to the S100 and Flarm I open the task page in the Oudie and hit "upload".  The Oudie sends the declaration to the S100, the S100 says "Sending declaration to Flarm" and then something like "Declaration sent successfully".  It takes about 5 seconds and all devices have the same task. "

Paul Remde

Sep 14, 2023, 10:36:35 PM9/14/23
to LXNav Soaring Glider Equipment User Discussion Group
Hi Craig,

The quote about task declarations is talking about an Oudie, Oudie2, or Oudie IGC - not an Oudie N.

Best Regards,

Paul Remde
Cumulus Soaring, Inc.

Craig Jones

Sep 14, 2023, 11:49:48 PM9/14/23
to LXNav Soaring Glider Equipment User Discussion Group
Thanks both for the help. Really appreciate it. Will get a lead from the Oudie N to the S100.

Last question that might have been lost. If there is already a TE probe on the glider, is it generally better to use that rather than electronic compensation? 

I was chatting to someone who found the s100 very much helped him reduce failed thermalling attempts as he could see more clearly what were gusts. For me, the S100, because it is so sensitive, swings around a lot. Not necessarily a bad thing (I could always average.) but distracting at the moment.  For now i am back to my tried and trusted method of sorting the thermal from the gust (feel the rise in the seat, length of beeping)  but would be interested if anyone has a technique that helps them decide if a short lived up indication is bouncing near the edge of a thermal, or just gusts to be ignored. Possibly with the addition of HAWK.

Morgan Hall

Sep 15, 2023, 11:00:01 AM9/15/23
to Craig Jones, LXNav Soaring Glider Equipment User Discussion Group

From my experience with electronic compensation it can be an improvement if you have a leaky TE setup or bad probe.   

Our Duo historically had bad TE and I could never find a leak or a source for it.  Mostly was an issue on the Sage varios which are very twitchy.  After installing the 9070 and going through the entire TE/pitot/static systems I found the TE was terrible on the V8/9070.  After a while I switched it over to electronic compensation and it was night and day. I don’t know if it was my TE probe that was the source of trouble, but electronic works very well so I don’t care.  The only issue is that I do get people double checking on the launch line whether I forgot to install the probe. Great catch, but no I did not forget.  

Our Discus A always seemed to have decent TE behavior, but I decided to try electronic since it had worked so well for the Duo. 

It did not work well in the Discus A.  That glider has a nose pitot and tailboom static and the install guide warns that pitot/static should be nearly collocated. So I have switched back to pneumatic TE on the Discus A. 

Your mileage may vary, but if your pitot and static are close enough to each other, electronic may work well.  

If you decide to get the Hawk license, then the TE question is moot for Hawk.  The rolled back firmware seems to be working better for most of us, I hope that remains the case. 


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Brian Roach

Sep 15, 2023, 6:40:13 PM9/15/23
to LXNav Soaring Glider Equipment User Discussion Group
My experience was similar to Morgan's with a -27 equipped with a triple probe and an LX9000.  After some unsatisfactory fussing, I ended up using the electronic compensation for the LX9000 and used the pneumatics for a mechanical winter.  The -27's actually have a second static source on the fuselage that helps segment different instruments from interacting.


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