Working with women's church groups

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Jennifer Bremer

Dec 20, 2018, 4:03:28 PM12/20/18
to LWV Redistricting
We have formed an alliance with the NC Council of Churches. We will work with them to reach out to church women, especially in rural areas where we (the League) have only very little presence.

Does anyone have either:
a) experience doing something similar that could be helpful to us and/or
b) insights on redistricting as a faith issue

On the latter, we recently conducted a symposium for women leaders in our state and we asked one group to discuss this issue (NC Churches was a co-sponsor so we had a lot of religious leaders). They concluded that redistricting reform is very much a faith issue because gerrymandering interferes with society's ability to meet the needs of the poor and vulnerable, exercise good stewardship of the earth, and strengthen communities (e.g., educate children).

Anyone got any insights on how to use this? If we can reach evangelicals and bring them on board, this would be huge for us here in North Carolina.

Dr. Jennifer Bremer
twitter: JBremerDevt

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Sondra Cosgrove

Dec 20, 2018, 9:22:17 PM12/20/18
to Jennifer Bremer, LWV Redistricting
Hi Jennifer,

The League of Women Voters of Nevada is a part of the clean energy coalition in our state as is a black church partnership and the synergy works really well.  All the coalition members agreed to not support or oppose either part or specific candidates and we all agreed to support a common set of issue objectives when the coalition started and we haven't had any troubles.  So, I personally, don't think there will be problems with your venture as long as all the groups involved commit to maintaining a nonpartisan approach to the issue.

Sondra Cosgrove

Sondra Cosgrove PhD
History Professor College of Southern Nevada
President League of Women Voters of Southern Nevada
President League of Women Voters of Nevada

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Sondra Cosgrove PhD
History Professor College of Southern Nevada
President League of Women Voters of Southern Nevada
President League of Women Voters of Nevada

Jennifer Bremer

Dec 20, 2018, 9:26:39 PM12/20/18
to, LWV Redistricting
Thanks, that's good to know. We're especially interested in reaching out to conservatives/evangelicals as they're the ones who have access to the legislators we need to reach out here in North Gerrylina. Still, I'm sure the same principles apply!


Dr. Jennifer Bremer
twitter: JBremerDevt

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Johannah Barry

Dec 21, 2018, 9:39:03 AM12/21/18
to Jennifer Bremer, LWV Redistricting

I don’t know if our experience in Falls Church is anything to go by, but I reached out to three churches (Catholic, Baptist, Methodist) to ask if they would allow us to make available a Spanish -language voter guide for the November elections..  The Catholic church has a Spanish-language mass, and the Baptist church offers regular ESL classes.  


The answer was a deafening silence, with one representative from the Catholic church telling us that “politics divides us and faith brings us together”  I explained to all that this was a non-partisan information guide with absolutely no advocacy implied. 


Personally, I found the Catholic church’s response a bit rich (born and raised a Catholic in total disclosure) as it came right at the time that the migrants from Central America (many of whose countrymen make up the congregation of said church) were heading to our borders. 


So I hope you have better luck than I did helping our religious leaders connect the dots between bearing Christian witness and empowering democracy.


Johannah Barry

Management Team

Falls Church


League of Women Voters Arlington VA

Dec 21, 2018, 9:48:32 AM12/21/18
to Jennifer Bremer, LWV Redistricting
In Arlington we work closely with both VOICE, Virginians organized for interfaith community engagement and the Interfaith Center for public policy. We have done voter registration and out reach with both of them and held a large voter registration training.     We have also worked with them on issues such as restoration of rights. We have done an out reach with the local mass and they will let us in to do the registration as well and have worked closely with Temple Rodef Shalom on outreach to immigrant communities. Thanks. Joan
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