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Cloud Native Application Development Workshop 23-24 November 2017

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Andrejs Vorobjovs

Nov 16, 2017, 4:50:53 AM11/16/17
to Latvian Oracle User Group
Sveiki LVOUG,

Bezmaksas workshop no Oracle. Vajag laptopu paņemt līdzi. 

23 - 24 Nov., 2017 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 




·         Introduction to the Oracle PaaS services

·         Short introduction to the Oracle Java Cloud Service (JCS), a cloud based JEE platform

·         Oracle Application Container Cloud Service (ACCS) – how to develop microservice applications in the cloud

·         Oracle Developer Cloud Service (DevCS) – Agile project management and CI/CD platform for developers

·         Lab 1: Agile Project Management with DevCS

·         Lab 2: Continuous Delivery of Java Microservices in ACCS

·         Lab 3: Cloud Native Rapid JavaScript Development with Node.js in ACCS

·         Lab 4: Cloud Native Developer Cloud Service Administration

·         Lab 5: Deploy SpringBoot applications to ACCS using Developer Cloud Services

·         Lab 6: Using Cloud Stack Manager to create multi-layer application (Cache, SpringBoot, NodeJS, JS FrontEnd) in ACCS

·         Introduction to Docker Native Application Development

·         Lab 7: Build Node.js – MongoDB container packaged application using Wercker and deploy to the OCCS as stack of services

·         Lab 8 (optional): Deploying APM Agent and setting up Application Performance Monitoring

·         Summary / Q&A


 System Requirements

In order to successfully participate in this workshop please bring you laptop with the following specification:

·         Memory: Min. 8GB RAM, 16GB RAM recommended

·         Wi-Fi/Ethernet (internet access)

·         OS: Windows 7/10, Linux, MacOS

·         Installed software:

o   Oracle VirtualBox (


o   Java SDK 8 (

o   Git (

o   Eclipse IDE (Eclipse)

As we will work using the cloud environment, each participant is kindly requested to apply for a Oracle Cloud trial account using the following link:

You will receive an email with the confirmation and your cloud account details – please save it for future reference.                     

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