I can help mentor your TARC Team. Where to start:
If you entering ARC, requires a Teacher or adult to supervise the Team.
Things to think about: funding (money for supplies, motors, a place to build, etc.).
When do have time, I would like to meet the Team. Have you built rockets before? If not, you should get the Book: HANDBOOK OF MODEL ROCKTRRY
Other tips:
Get the “Handbook or Model Rocket” By Stine, this is the Rocket bible…. READ chapters:
1. This is model Rocketry
2. Getting Started
3. Tools and Techniques in the Workshop
4. Model construction
5. Model Rocket Motors
6. High how will it go?
7. Stability
8. Model Rocket Aerodynamics
9. Payload: … Raw Eggs
Purchase RockSim or Open Rocket (free download), to help build your rocket.
The LUNAR Rocketry Club has several places to launch
Places where you can get components:
Balsa Machining Service: They have tube, nose cones motor mounts, motors…etc.
Software: Purchase RockSim or Open Rocket (free download), to help build your rocket.
Fruity Chutes are the best on the market!
I would like to meet the Team soon!
David R.