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Fwd: Call for Crayon Rockets - Jan 27 Snow Ranch

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Paul Pittenger

Jan 20, 2024, 1:54:38 PM1/20/24
to LUNARgeneral
Repeating what I said on Facebook also - Anyone who still has a 4" crayon bank (from Toys"R"us back in the day) let me know - I have a pile of the parts to convert these into 29mm motor mount rockets. While they last I will supply parts to anyone seeking to build a crayon. Can deliver to Snow Ranch launch next Saturday.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Paul Pittenger <>
Date: Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 10:42 AM 
Subject: Call for Crayon Rockets - Jan 27 Snow Ranch
To: <>


Jan 27 we have FAA waiver, weather looking good so far - as always check website or hotline for any last minute changes.

In honor of Mike Gentile who recently passed away, calling for Crayon rockets, I have a 4" crayon from the kits he made, there are 6" and 2" crayon variants also.  Please bring your crayon rockets - we will do a memorial rack and/or drag race.

Here's mine!  Photo credit Rob Heil


Emma Humphries

Jan 20, 2024, 6:39:16 PM1/20/24
Paul, I'm going to see if I can get the .stl files for a friend's re-creation of the crayon rocket (he calls it a Wax Corporal) to share.

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Paul Pittenger

Jan 21, 2024, 1:22:32 AM1/21/24
OK - I have a bunch of ring and fin sets for the 4" crayons - setups for 29mm and 38mm motor mounts.  Several copies of instructions and fin slot marking templates.  Less sets of the bulkhead assembly for the crayon nose, but could record the right sizes on instructions so that people can find or fabricate their own.

If you have a 4" crayon bank and need parts, please contact me off list - email address below - and I will pile up parts to bring Saturday.


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