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LUNAR at Chabot Observatory First Friday, 3 Jan

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Emma Humphries

Jan 2, 2025, 7:26:27 PMJan 2
to LunarGeneral google

Cynthia and I will be tabling at Chabot's 1st First Friday of the Year for LUNAR.

We'll have LUNAR SG and SG Easy/bis rockets for kids to assemble as well as fliers.

There's a limited number of kits, so we're asking current members to hold off on claiming one, but if you want to introduce your neighbors and friends' kids to the hobby, please bring them by.

I'll also have the C3 rockets at the event and more info about C3 in the following post.

Emma Humphries (they/she) NAR/Tripoli L2
LUNAR Board of Directors (at large)
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