Atmel Studio LUFA Library Mass Storage Bootloader

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Mike Cappiello

Apr 15, 2020, 5:42:15 AM4/15/20
to LUFA Library Support List
I was just playing with the mass storage bootloader ASF example project, and I was surprised to see a version in there for the 16KB AVR8s, so I thought I'd give it a go to see how it's pulling that off and well...I don't think it is.  Sure, it compiles successfully, but the static memory usage is something approaching 400 bytes on a 512 byte device, and there's a local allocation of a 512 byte buffer to handle the data transfer.  I was scratching my head trying to figure out what kind of magic was going on here, but I eventually found what I needed to know in BootloaderMassStorage.txt:

The following list indicates what microcontrollers are compatible with this demo.

Series 7 USB AVRs (AT90USBxxx7)
Series 6 USB AVRs (AT90USBxxx6)
Series 4 USB AVRs (ATMEGAxxU4)

Seems to just be a mistake that an example project was generated for a device which has no hope of running it properly.

Dean Camera

Apr 15, 2020, 5:43:57 AM4/15/20
to, Mike Cappiello

Yes, that's a pickle. Disabling specific devices in Atmel Studio via the ASF integration XML is possible, but messy. The biggest problem is that I'm not even sure I can update the extension anymore - since the sale to Microchip a few of the extensions were automatically ported by Microchip in the store, which means I don't think they're linked to my account anymore.

- Dean

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