Looking for LUFA version 101122 for MocoLUFA

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M Brooks

Nov 17, 2021, 2:19:40 AM11/17/21
to LUFA Library Support List
I'm trying to build MocoLUFA from source but it is reliant on the old LUFA version 101122 - and none of the links to where that is available are working anymore.

Does anyone have a working link to that library at that version? 
http://lufa-lib.googlecode.com/files/LUFA-101122.zip is no longer working.
http://www.lufa-lib.org/ results in a suspended page.

Does anyone know if this library is still available at this version?


Bob Paddock

Nov 17, 2021, 8:45:31 AM11/17/21
to lufa-s...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 2:19 AM M Brooks <loc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to build MocoLUFA from source but it is reliant on the old LUFA version 101122 - and none of the links to where that is available are working anymore.

This is Dean's github page:


It was updated two months ago.

Hopefully Dean is okay, as even his own website is dead.

Dean Camera

Nov 19, 2021, 5:16:19 PM11/19/21
to lufa-s...@googlegroups.com, M Brooks

Oops - I wasn't aware that my site was down, all fixed now.

As a backup for future reference, you can also grab old releases from GitHub in situtations like this: https://github.com/abcminiuser/lufa/tags


- Dean

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