how do i keep improving?

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не прочитано,
6 сент. 2008 г., 18:19:1006.09.2008
– Lucky Genius
ive studied a lot of players, joined pxf, and played extensively, and
now im not sure where to look to improve my game further. i haven't
had too many results lately, and i can't even be sure if it's just bad
luck or flaws in my game.

what do you do to further your game at this point? just keep playing
for more experience and hopefully variance turns around? i feel as if
i've exhausted all the poker resources available but am still missing
a lot in my game.



не прочитано,
7 сент. 2008 г., 15:54:5107.09.2008
– Lucky Genius
Hey subiime, my advice to you would be to try our program, see if it
improves your bankroll at the end of the month ( the only # that
really matters) and see if you come up with $2500 to perhaps come out
to vegas and stude the yid aka the maven/bodogmaven, he's a really
sick player and the fact that he has taught players like daisyxoxo,
jesuslizzard, dyzalot, myself etc., is just a testament to the success
rate his students should expect. We should have some videos up soon in
a new section on our website that we will open and dedicate to
training videos made by myself or other players such as BodogAri aka I
am Ari and browndog19 a bracelet holder for the Hi/Lo Omaha WSOP event
#16. Be on the lookout for these although im sure we will have a
formal announcement.
If youre interested in the training contact me directly via email and
I will arrange something for you, if you are from the NY area I might
be able to make an arrangement where he will fly out here to teach
you, If you are not from the NY area let me know where you are from
and I will see what I can do.
Other than that I think if you read the posts myself or other players
post here and you really try to understand the reasoning behind the
various advice you should have a good foundation to build upon.


On Sep 6, 6:19 pm, subiime <
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