Developer Documentation

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Troy Howard

Nov 18, 2010, 4:30:33 PM11/18/10

Last night I put together a wiki section called 'Developer
Documentation' which is available here:

This is a work in progress and isn't complete. Feel free to update and
fix it as you have time and as you see fit.

The main area of interest at the moment is the 'Class and Namespace
Mapping' section:

This page will be our defacto issue tracker/task list during this
first phase. It lists each Java class file and the appropriate
namespace and class name it should migrated to in Lucere. For each
mapping there is a 'Status' column which should be used to keep track
of the current status of migrating that item.

The possible status values are:

Unassigned - This item has not yet been migrated and is available as a work item
In Progress: <username> - This item has been claimed by a specific
developer who is currently working on it.
Incomplete - This item had some work done on it by a developer, but
was not completed. A partially complete version is in source control
and ready for someone else to claim the work item.
Complete - This item has been successfully migrated

When you want to find a new work task, look on the list, and find
something that is marked either "unassigned" or "incomplete" and
change its' status to "inprogress: <username>" with your name by it...
Save the wiki page.

When you are finished with it, mark it as complete. If you can't or
don't want to finish it, commit what you have done, and mark it as

This will give us a nice transacting work queue model for handling
work distribution. Only one person can submit a change to the wiki at
once, and each change is tracked in a history, so we can see when each
thing was claimed.

Also you will find information about how to use IRC for real-time
chatting on the documentation list. Kyle set up a channel on and a bot which is logging the conversations. The logged
conversations will be made available on a public website at some point
(Kyle is working on getting that set up now).

This way we can have real-time chat and also share that discourse
with the rest of the community.


Troy Howard

Nov 18, 2010, 4:34:09 PM11/18/10
Also, I forgot to mention that the class to namespace list is
currently incomplete. I've put most of the files in there, but there
are some empty sections that i'm still working on. I ran out of time
last night to complete it. I'll finish it up today.


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