Document unit tests

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Ciaran Roarty

Nov 18, 2010, 12:21:48 PM11/18/10
I plan to continue working on the Document unit tests tonight - and learn how to merge and push the repo - is that ok? Don't want to duplicate effort but I've got a good version of the first test done and I think I can push through the rest of them.
Let me know,

Sergey Mirvoda

Nov 18, 2010, 12:24:58 PM11/18/10
I've pushed Locks implementation and some LockFactory tests. 
I think its ok to push everything as early as possible.

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--Regards, Sergey Mirvoda

Christopher Currens

Nov 18, 2010, 1:34:54 PM11/18/10
That's fine.  I don't have time to finish the unit tests on the Entity layer, which is why I wanted to commit and have someone else have a go at it.  I think the one thing we are not pushing is actual class implementation of the interfaces.  We want to get the interfaces worked out and looked over before we decide what implementation goes where and what's really necessary, at least that's my understanding of our project goals.


Sergey Mirvoda

Nov 18, 2010, 1:57:10 PM11/18/10
yes it is.

But Lucene Locks are special one.

It is not only interprocess but inter PCs locks.
Also you can copy pasting everywhere inheritors of ILockFactory (ISimpleLF:ILF, INoLF:ILF)
and all you will get is testing you mocks. For what?

Lucene Locks are all about file creatin\checking\deleting in all known and unknown special cases.
Locks are hard core programming especially in MT scenarios 
but mocks is a fake :) for testing Locks.

Although mocking Locks and LockFactory are useful and must have for TDD.

I've googletalked with Troy about this.
Locks are single independent part of 
and all other parts directly or indirectly depends on it.

as for future refactoring.
What can you refactor in such an interface?

interface ILock
   bool Obtain()
   void Release()
   bool IsExist()

interface ILockFactory
   ClearLock(string )  //could be AbortLock 

Sergey Mirvoda

Nov 18, 2010, 2:02:23 PM11/18/10
also i'm very strong CI believer with its best slogan:
Do the most little thing that works.

I'm sure we should implement Lucene 3.0.2 and then move on towards FULL .NET look and feel.

For NH it takes 3 versions to forget about Hibernate.

--Regards, Sergey Mirvoda

Christopher Currens

Nov 18, 2010, 2:20:28 PM11/18/10
to Lucere Development
With regards to refactoring the locks interface, I suppose it's less
refactoring and more re-thinking, which is the real goal of this
project anyway. I'm getting that either people don't have the same
goals as I read them outlined in the "Plan Of Action" thread, or that
I apparently don't understand them. I'm not at all disagreeing we
should have a working build of 3.0.2 before we move forward on a large-
scale refactoring, it's stated we should do that in the project's road
map. However, in this first phase, we are doing minor ".netifying",
taking that minimalistic approach.

I don't think implementing locks was a bad thing to do, per se,
however my fear is that other developers would see that it was done
and think they're expected to get implementations done on the
namespaces they're working on. It could possibly slow us down, cause
confusion, etc, if people didn't understand they aren't expected to
complete implementation until the Contracts and Tests stage is done.
Even still, at this early stage, it may also be a benefit for our
future refactoring efforts if we were to reorganize the interfaces
into other, possibly even new, namespaces. I think we can all agree
that the current version of Lucene is very crowded in areas and
reorganizing wouldn't cause any major headaches in implementing the
classes in Stage Two.

Just some thoughts. If half of us agree with me, and the other half
still don't, maybe we should discuss the project goals again?

> >>> On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 10:21 PM, Ciaran Roarty <
> >>> > wrote:
> >>>> Hi
> >>>> I plan to continue working on the Document unit tests tonight - and
> >>>> learn how to merge and push the repo - is that ok? Don't want to duplicate
> >>>> effort but I've got a good version of the first test done and I think I can
> >>>> push through the rest of them.
> >>>> Let me know,
> >>>> Ciaran
> >>>> --
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> >>> --
> >>> --Regards, Sergey Mirvoda
> >>> --
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Troy Howard

Nov 18, 2010, 3:03:50 PM11/18/10
I have four main reasons for wanting to defer implementation until
after the contracts (interfaces) and tests have been written:

1. It's the only way to possibly meet the time schedule outlined.
Implementations will take too long if done serially.

2. Refactoring against the interfaces alone can be done faster and
more flexibly if we don't need to update existing implementations
during the refactoring.

3. In theory, porting will be easier under the refactored contracts
than under the Java contracts as many of the structural elements of
the Java code don't really make much sense in .NET causing greater
porting impedance.

4, I like TDD and this is how TDD works. ;)

That said, the work Sergey and Mark have already done to implement the
classes in is not wasted effort. We
can hang on to those implementations until we reach Stage 2. Notably,
those are the first classes we'll need to implement, so we've got a
head-start on Stage 2 when we get to it.

I'd like to see mocks for those classes as part of the unit tests
however and see the unit tests refactored to work against the mocks
for now (even if the class is fully implemented and passing the
tests). This is to facilitate reason #2 listed above.


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Sergey Mirvoda

Nov 18, 2010, 3:22:28 PM11/18/10
I'm completely with you.
Now working on hand written mocks for Locking.

Extracting interfaces from all ILock and ILockFactory implementayions is only thing to do 
to complete concurrency definition and with Resharper goodness is easy as hell.

What is the next thing to do?
The wiki list still empty! 

It is very unlikely for to waste free time doing other guys work.

--Regards, Sergey Mirvoda

Sergey Mirvoda

Nov 18, 2010, 4:18:40 PM11/18/10
just removed io implementation.
All concurrency is done and pushed.
Tests are waiting IO to complete by Mark.

Can I take Service Layer part?
anybody working on it?
--Regards, Sergey Mirvoda

Ciaran Roarty

Nov 18, 2010, 7:34:56 PM11/18/10

Got a bit mixed up with commits and merges locally but everything seems to have made it up; will continue the Document tests tomorrow ( today, as I’ve just noticed it is 00:32).



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