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Custom 404 Page - Apache/Tomcat/Lucee

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Jul 26, 2016, 4:06:53 AM7/26/16
to Lucee
I have been trying to figure out how to create a custom 404 page, and am having no luck.

In my application.cfc, I have:

<cffunction name=“onMissingTemplate”
  <cflocation url=“/404.cfm”> 

Any clues?


Jul 26, 2016, 4:09:54 AM7/26/16
a cflocation to a 404-Error-Page is not a good idea: the cflocation returns a 302-Status-Code. In other words you would return a 302-Code, instead a 404.

I would make use of cfheader, and depending on your configurations your front-end-webserver could serve a custom-error page.

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Jul 26, 2016, 5:04:27 AM7/26/16
to Lucee
So assuming I am running multiple sites, so need a custom 404 for each site, how would you go about  doing this?


Jul 27, 2016, 4:01:13 AM7/27/16
to Lucee
following on from what andy said, you can add a status code to a cflocation;

<cflocation url=“/404.cfm” statuscode="404"> 

Andy Rueger

Jul 28, 2016, 5:50:45 AM7/28/16
to Lucee
as far as I know statuscode 404 in cflocation won't work, that should throw an error. cflocation is there to change location by 30x headers. This can cause a 302/301 redirect to an error page that only shows a 404 content, but no 404-Status-Code. That's not good for SEO.

Better is to throw a cfheader with 404 status code followed by any content. That can be created in many ways: include-files, functions, custom-tags, but depends on setup of the front-end webserver. We use IIS, that is why I really can't recommend a way to set it up in apache.

We had problems with 404 error codes being interpreted as 200 OK Success in the past: these page were indexed by search engines. That's why it is important to always check the status code with a browsers developers tool (i.g. firebug) when delivering status codes. Sorry for not giving a better help :/
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