Hey Gang,
WARNING: Crypto deep dive in progress...
I've been playing a bit more with the encrypt() and decrypt() functionality within CFML recently and I've managed to get every single permutation of the available transformations in v7/v8 of java working with two exceptions... GCM (in v7/v8 java) and CCM (in v8 java) block modes. I've banged my head on this for a few days now - mostly as an exercise in self-abuse but also to see how well integrated the JCA/JCE is with CFML.
I've done a ton of research and was able to get GCM working in pure Java no problem. The only difference I think I've found between what CFML is doing for the Initialization Vector (IV) and what I did is all in the spec that's used. For GCM it appears one must use GCMParameterSpec whereas everything else uses IvParameterSpec, and in both 4.5 and 5 source code (e.g.
https://github.com/lucee/Lucee/blob/master/core/src/main/java/lucee/runtime/crypt/Cryptor.java) I see only IVParameterSpec is being used for all permutations.
So, I guess my question is... would it be feasible/desirable to file an ER to check for a GCM transformation and instead call the GCMParameterSpec needed, and would this allow GCM to be used as a viable transformation with encrypt() and decrypt()? I ask merely because GCM seems to be the faster and more secure of the available options in Java (without license issues, anyway) and I would love to be able to use it. I noted in v8 they also introduced CCM (CBC + message auth) block mode, though I haven't gone down the rabbit hole on that one yet I expect the problem using it would be the same - I see a few mentions of CCMParameterSpec in google searches, but again, I haven't dove into that one.
Anyone else played with the GCM or CCM block mode transformations and come up with a workable solution, or am I on the right track here that the GCMParameterSpec would need to be used under the hood, as it were, for the GCM transformations to work?
I guess this question is mainly for the Lucee devs, but I'm open to hearing anyone else's experiences ;)
encrypt( 'test', generateSecretKey('AES'), 'AES/GCM/NoPadding', 'HEX', binaryDecode( left( hash( 'initvector'),16 ), 'hex' ) );
Note that I get the same exception in Java when using IVParameterSpec instead of GCMParameterSpec with the GCM transformation
-- Denny