Lucee Admin Panel like CFadmin

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Pierre Larde

Jan 18, 2016, 5:21:15 PM1/18/16
to Lucee
New with Lucee,
is there a way to access an admin panel for Lucee
like the CF admin
To set up datasource for example ?

What adress to use to access Lucee admin ?

Thanks for answer.

Igal @

Jan 18, 2016, 5:37:19 PM1/18/16
for server-wide settings:

for web settings of a specific site that is configured as "yoursite":

Igal Sapir
Lucee Core Developer

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Pierre Larde

Jan 19, 2016, 5:33:38 AM1/19/16
to Lucee
Thanks a lot, that's great.
But I do not see the difference between server-wide and specific site,
as in specific site, I do not understand on what site.
(I work on a local PC, for the moment, no real Internet sites declared)
Are the internet site declared in IIS(as with CF) ?
A bit confused, sorry.

Igal @

Jan 19, 2016, 12:01:04 PM1/19/16
the way it works is that each Host element (as described in the other thread where I just replied to you) creates what's called a Web Context, which is essentially a web site (which can be more than a single web application).  then each web context can has its own settings, which override the server settings.

so if you have one web context that is accessible at and another that is accessible at, you will go to their web admins like so (respectively): web admin: web admin:

so the host in the request determines the web context.

you don't really need IIS in order to access those -- you can access them directly on Tomcat by specifying the Tomcat port number (assuming that no firewall will block you), so if Tomcat is listening at port 8080, you would go to http://yoursite-one:8080/lucee/admin/web.cfm

Igal Sapir
Lucee Core Developer

Pierre Larde

Jan 19, 2016, 1:03:23 PM1/19/16
to Lucee
OK, I see, I will need to check/test this when I will be live, with many sites .


Jan 19, 2016, 1:24:12 PM1/19/16

I have openned a new thread about setting an access (mdb file) as a Lucee datasource.

Thanks, Pierre.


De : [] De la part de Igal @
Envoyé : mardi 19 janvier 2016 18:01
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Objet : Re: [Lucee] Lucee Admin Panel like CFadmin

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David Eurenius

Jan 25, 2016, 8:36:02 AM1/25/16
to Lucee

For me it works thinking like this:

Red interface (server) = server wide settings
Blue interface (web) = site specific settings



Jan 25, 2016, 1:41:41 PM1/25/16

OK, example :

If a datasource is declared in “red interface” : this will be valid for all sites ?

If a datasource is declared in “blue interface” : it will be valid only for the specific site ?

Is that true ?

But I do not understand how I can make the site choice ?

Is that with the password connection ?



De : [] De la part de David Eurenius
Envoyé : lundi 25 janvier 2016 14:36
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Objet : Re: [Lucee] Lucee Admin Panel like CFadmin



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Nando Breiter

Jan 25, 2016, 3:18:19 PM1/25/16
On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 7:41 PM, Plarts <> wrote:

OK, example :

If a datasource is declared in “red interface” : this will be valid for all sites ?


If a datasource is declared in “blue interface” : it will be valid only for the specific site ?


Is that true ?

But I do not understand how I can make the site choice ?

Referring back to Igal's second response in this thread, fundamentally, a web context is created for each Host declared in server.xml, which I believe you can find at <luceeInstallationDir>/tomcat/conf/server.xml. You can edit server.xml directly to see how this works.

A host declaration looks like this:

<Host name="" appBase="webapps">
        <Context path="" docBase="/var/www/sites/yoursite-com" />

And then referring back to Igal's first response, you would then access the lucee web admin interface at

Is that with the password connection ?

The first time you login, you will be asked to set a password.

I edit server.xml directly. Depending on your web server, you may be able to set things up so your web server configuration automatically alters server.xml (or some similar voodoo I'm not clear about). Hopefully someone will chime in and clear that up for you.

The advantage of a separate web admin is that you can isolate web contexts from each other with different passwords, and then give admin responsibilities away. If that's not a concern you have, then it is fine to set all datasources and mappings in the server context and not worry about it.

One thing to note is that scheduled tasks only appear in web contexts, not in the server context. 




Jan 26, 2016, 3:46:12 AM1/26/16

Great infos, many thanks.


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John Egbert

Jan 28, 2016, 1:37:56 PM1/28/16
to Lucee
Hi guys -
I'm also evaluating Lucee....I attempted to utilize it about a year ago, but I had a bunch of conflicts with IIS where I could establish a binding in IIS, and it worked fine...but the second I had to revise that binding, Lucee would ignore the IIS binding and the bindings wouldn't find the correct site etc.

So based on what I'm reading here, is the objective to manage the incoming bindings/sites via the lucee administrator when using IIS and have IIS merely catch all incoming traffic to point to the root of Lucee?  

For instance, if I have three different IIS sites with different domains and subdomains, pointing to C:\Sites\site1  , pointing to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Site2  and pointing to W:\ExternalSites\Site3 , what is the best practice for handling this?  Am I to continue to handle those mappings in IIS and, if so, how does Lucee track those mapping and folder updates (as it didn't the last time I tried it and eventually gave up for the time being).

Thanks for the thoughts, and the featureset.  Love CFML, dislike the CF11 pricepoint :) (probably like everyone reading this right now).  Have a great day -

Igal @

Jan 28, 2016, 1:40:00 PM1/28/16

Igal Sapir
Lucee Core Developer

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John Egbert

Jan 28, 2016, 1:42:08 PM1/28/16
to Lucee
Hi Igal -
Forgive me if I'm wrong but that's the current thread, correct?  That link just takes me to this thread....

Igal @

Jan 28, 2016, 2:02:13 PM1/28/16
I'm sorry.  you're right.  (not enough sleep ;))

I only read the beginning of your message and thought that it's a separate question on the same subject.  anyway, I'm not sure I understand your question completely, but let me try to explain and then you can ask follow up questions.  I will also modify the subject line since this is not about Admin URL anymore.   So anyway --

The idea is that you front Lucee with a web server, in this case IIS, but it can as well be Apache or nginx, and you use the web server to handle the static requests (e.g. images, javascript files, css files, etc.), and forward (or redirect) the dynamic (e.g. *.cfm) requests to Lucee.  That is usually done for security purposes, performance reasons, load-balancing, url-rewriting, etc.

Lucee is a Java servlet (, and it therefore runs in a servlet container (default is Tomcat, but may as well be Jetty or WildFly).  So the web server forwards the dynamic requests to the Servlet container really, and that one utilizes Lucee to do the actual processing of the request.

So you have:

  Web Server listening on port 80 (IIS / Apache httpd / nginx)
    -->    Servlet Container listening on port 8080* (Tomcat / Jetty / WildFly)
      -->      Lucee

* port can be different, but 8080 is commonly used in this setup

Now each of those has its own configurations and mappings, so it really depends on what kind of mapping you are referring to.  For example, cfml-type mapping for the purpose of cfinclude are defined in Lucee, but virtual directories are usually defined in the web server.

Also, you might decide that for your purpose you do not need a web server, and use the servlet container to serve static pages directly (as well as listen on port 80), and nowadays the performance of servlet containers is much better than the olden days where a web server would provide a major performance boost, but if you're running an enterprise application then you probably want to front the servlet container with a web server.


Igal Sapir
Lucee Core Developer

Jordan Michaels

Jan 28, 2016, 3:23:06 PM1/28/16
Hi John,

Lucee in and of itself doesn't track folders or mappings that you have in IIS. Lucee runs on top of a J2EE servlet container and J2EE containers have different mechanisms then web servers. For example, the most similar concept of a "website" in IIS would be a J2EE 'context'. J2EE contexts are NOT identical to IIS websites, but they are similar. If you used the Lucee installer, then the J2EE servelet container you used would have been Tomcat - which is the same J2EE container Adobe uses in CF10 and CF11.

Tomcat has several configuration options that you can use to track context (website) root directories, but the most common is probably modifying the Tomcat server.xml file, located by default (if you used the Lucee installer) in C:\lucee\tomcat\conf\server.xml. So, your process for setting up sites would be to configure IIS, then configure Tomcat using the server.xml file to basically tell Tomcat the same thing you told IIS. Yes, you'll need to configure your sites twice. The reason you don't have to configure your site configurations twice in Adobe CF is because Adobe breaks away from the J2EE specification a bit and customizes how their IIS connector interfaces with Tomcat. Adobe uses a single J2EE context, and handles directory mapping internally within that single J2EE context. Lucee is a bit different in this regard, and attempts to stay within the J2EE specification and keep each site config within its own J2EE context. This is more in line with the Java world, rather than the IIS world.

Still, there are efforts that have made configuring your sites both in IIS and Tomcat easier. For example, the mod_cfml project exists to help automate the process of duplicating your IIS configs to your Tomcat context configs. You can read more about that effort over at The mod_cfml adapter can also be installed as an option if you use the Lucee installer. Mod_cfml is not without it's limitations, however. It currently doesn't support virtual directories. So you'll have to duplicate your IIS Virtual Directories using Lucee mappings. Still, it can help a lot and save you time - especially if you manage a large number of sites.

Let us know if there's more we can do to help.

Kind regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies
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John Egbert

Jan 28, 2016, 4:24:12 PM1/28/16
Fascinating Jordan, thanks for the insight. Quite helpful....although to be honest, I’m very unfamiliar with anything outside of IIS. Actually, I think the messages were split, Igal moved to a secondary topic as well...but mentioned that you might want to use IIS or Apache to do the static serving for sake of speed (I'm unfamiliar with metrics around this...I've been using traditional CF since CF4....and frankly never ventured from IIS and Adobe (or Macromedia etc) so I'm really unfamiliar with the "web server world" outside of that...I've focused more on the application side). He also mentioned forwarding the requests from IIS for the dynamic content while serving the static content, but I don’t have the slightest how something like that would be accomplished.

Ultimately, it sounds like it's probably plausible to run Tomcat exclusively to serve all port 80 and 443 traffic, almost all of the static data not inline with coldfusion is served via s3 anyway. If this is the case, with Lucee, would the best approach be to forego IIS and just handle everything in Tomcat? Does Lucee's admin portal (the multiple site or contexts I guess) with the different settings for each align directly with the server.xml file? Or is that linked up together?

I guess...utilizing Lucee for a production environment where multiple domains etc have to be served on the same box (for reasons of great complexity :) ), is this the best way? Or do I need to keep IIS in the mix?

Thanks for the expertise Jordan. Like I said, definitely a mind shift for me so I'm trying to wrap my brain around new concepts. Lucee is definitely a fascinating project/solution!

John Egbert    |   
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John Egbert

Jan 28, 2016, 4:37:50 PM1/28/16

Thank you Igal…that does make more sense now.  I’m not exactly sure how to best utilize this…I’m very much on the application side of things and know very little about web servers outside of IIS.  I’m not exactly sure how I’d go about forwarding the the dynamic requests to Lucee to serve the CFML code but I’ll have someone here start to look at that as well.  I probably need to get in and start playing with it again…I’m sure I’ll have more questions.  Thanks for taking the time to walk me through that (and for continuing to grow the CFML community…Lucee looks like a great project). 


Hope you get some rest :)

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Nando Breiter

Jan 28, 2016, 5:05:35 PM1/28/16

How to put this properly ... 

Use Nginx! Here's my blog post on the topic: 

Igal was the one that originally convinced me to move to Nginx. 

Restaurants have both cooks and waiters for good reason. Asking the cook to handle both the service and the preparation is less efficient. You web server should do the waiters job, your application (cfml) server the cook's job. The cook doesn't need to get involved with the static content, like the drinks, the snacks, plates, napkins etc. The waiter takes the order and only passes on to the cook the stuff that needs to be prepared.

Nginx is my favorite waiter.

Aria Media Sagl
+41 (0)76 303 4477 cell
skype: ariamedia

John Egbert

Jan 28, 2016, 5:16:53 PM1/28/16

Thank you for that additional info!  Good insight and article…I think I also saw a docker for nginx?  Is anyone currently running Lucee on AWS Elastic Beanstalk? 




Jordan Michaels

Jan 28, 2016, 7:10:02 PM1/28/16
Hi John,

One of the things you'll notice about open-source projects is that the extra freedom gives you the ability to implement all kinds of different solutions. Notice how Igal prefers to install everything manually, Nando prefers NGINX over other web servers, and there are many other professionals here with their own preferences. That's the awesomeness of open source.

What I, personally, recommend to folks coming from a web-development background is to start with the Lucee Installer. The Lucee installer provides a complete stack in an easy-to-implement and standardized format. Using the installer you can get up and running quickly with a production-ready environment, while allowing yourself time to learn the various 'gears' of the Lucee 'machine'. The Lucee installer implements the excellent BonCode Connector to connect IIS to Lucee in a very similar way that Adobe ColdFusion does. The Lucee Installer also installs and configures mod_cfml as part of it's default stack, so with the exception of a few less-standard configs (like virtual directories), Tomcat contexts are configured automatically and you don't have to worry about doing it yourself by editing the Tomcat server.xml file.

> I don’t have the slightest how something like that would be accomplished.

Again, the Lucee installer is probably going to be the easiest way to get up and running right away. It will give you a working system on a platform you're most familiar with. From there, you can experiment with that working system (by replacing IIS with NGINX, or whatever) and get comfortable changing out the 'gears' that make up the Lucee 'machine'.

> would the best approach be to forego IIS and just handle everything in Tomcat?

It is possible to run everything through Tomcat's built-in web server (Coyote), but things like SSL will be quite different than what you're used to and thus, take more time and increase the learning curve. Like most folks, I recommend using a standard web server for the front-end since it will lower the learning curve and offers good flexibility for future projects.

> Does Lucee's admin portal (the multiple site or contexts I guess) with the different settings for each align directly with the server.xml file?

Lucee's admin areas and the Tomcat server.xml file are very different. The server.xml file can be used to define different contexts within Tomcat. There are other ways to define contexts as well, including directly in memory (what mod_cfml does) or in a context-specific config.

Once those contexts exist, THEN Lucee gets involved. Lucee can be installed as a WAR right into a specific context, but WAR deployments are mostly used in Enterprise J2EE containers like IBM Websphere or Glassfish or JBoss. Most of us "common folk" just use Tomcat or Jetty, which are smaller and more popular so they are easier to find documentation and help with.

The most common install method for Lucee is to install it as what's called in the Tomcat world as a "Common Class". Common Classes are Java files that are applied to all contexts within a specific instance of Tomcat. The Lucee installers use the "Common Class" method, and so each context that's created within Tomcat has Lucee available to it. When a new context is introduced, Lucee sees the new context and configures a site-administrator specifically for that context. In this way, you can have Lucee configurations that are applied server-wide and configurations that only apply to a specific site (context).

> is this the best way?

It's the simplest way. Until you earn your stripes, I'd stick with that for now. ;)

> Or do I need to keep IIS in the mix?

Entirely up to you. Lots and lots of folks use IIS and Lucee together with great effect and have no need to learn anything more. Where you take your systems is entirely up to you. That's the beauty and freedom of open source.

Let us know if there's anything else we can do to help!
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Adam Chapman

Jan 30, 2016, 2:12:42 AM1/30/16
to Lucee

Regarding your question about Lucee and Elastic Beanstalk, I hope this helps.


Ed Sanford, ODI Consulting.

Feb 4, 2016, 7:00:38 PM2/4/16
to Lucee
I ran Railo on AWS Elastic Beanstalk a while back and it worked reasonably well.  If you use Eclipse it's actually fairly easy to get started. I wound up configuring everything I needed in Application.cfc rather than the admin, so when I pushed up  code changes they just worked - the Eclipse AWS had a tendency to push the entire project, in effect overwritting server side settings and files.  Storing media uploads in S3 and all other dynamic content in databases solves that.  They let you choose MS SQL or MySQL for the database.  They also allow you to add an external E2 volume for dynamic content if you need that.
First year was free - and they're probably still offering that.

Mark Drew

Feb 5, 2016, 5:13:36 AM2/5/16
to lucee
I hope this helps but I blogged about it a few years back 

might have to update it for lucee but it should mostly still hold true. 


Mark Drew

John Egbert

Feb 5, 2016, 10:38:13 AM2/5/16

Thanks for the info guys!  This is very helpful.  Really appreciate the insight!

Alan Holden

Feb 5, 2016, 7:25:46 PM2/5/16
to Lucee
I was able to get a Lucee instance running in my local Eclipse project by following Amazon's instructions, which are good, but not as good as Mark's.
Unfortunately, I could not get Mura to run on top of that. The "key [contentGatewayLucee] doesn't exist" issue is in this linked thread, if anyone can chime in on that little puzzle:!msg/mura-cms-developers/XnCqDGKYqWc/w_omq6ecAwAJ
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