Actually the whole administration is something that is potentially should be overhauled because of things like Software as a Service and running Lucee on a Dokker-like environment. Many Saas approaches require that you have a read-only access to the file system and you only use services to talk to the environment. We have been approached by several companies that want to have their applications running in a SaaS environment. So there is work to be done here J
The current implications of running Lucee without a physical file are actually 0. Since even without such a file, Lucee loads with a default configuration. This mostly happens when Lucee cannot write to the directories where the whole configuration will be stored. So theoretically it is already possible. I just think that this should be something like a LSR (analog to JSR J) which then contains the whole details and as well what happens when you change something in the Lucee Administrators.
Gert Franz
Spittelgasse 7
5103 Moeriken-Wildegg
Skype: gert.franz
Phone Switzerland: +41 76 5680 231
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