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class files not saving to disk?

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Aug 28, 2015, 11:25:46 PM8/28/15
to Lucee
Where are the class files located for the each context? 

I am running lucee via tomcat 8 and apache https on windows 2012r2. I have 22 sites configured. they all load. I can see them and Lucee is working.

my issue is this.

 First page loads takes maybe 15 seconds. i'm assuming its creating is class from source. i hit the page repeatedly and it loads very fast < 100ms. i stop hitting it and wait about about 2 minutes. the next time i hit it takes 15 seconds.

is it possible that the classes are created and stored in memory and never written to disk? memory being purged every so often forcing source to be recompiled? also when i login to admin i see nothing cached.

it makes no difference if the admin settings are Settings - Performance/Caching = Once ( Good ) or if Settings - Performance/Caching = Never ( Best Performance )

not to mention that i don't see any class files when navigation the {contexts}/cache or {context}/classes or {context}/cfclasses

Any idea?

I tried using EHcache as template & etc cache. It made no difference.

Aug 28, 2015, 11:32:46 PM8/28/15
to Lucee
I should add. tomcat is running as a domain account with full admin rights.

Denard Springle

Aug 30, 2015, 10:02:14 PM8/30/15
to Lucee
This sounds to me more like you've set a short (or no) timeout for your application in Application.cfc/Application.cfm. Can you verify that you've set the application timeout, something along the lines of:

    this.applicationTimeout = CreateTimeSpan( 1, 0, 0, 0 );


<cfset this.applicationTimeout = createTimeSpan( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) />

for Application.cfc/Application.cfm respectively?

For the record, CreateTimeSpan( Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds) determines how long before your application times out (and everything reloads from source). In my example it's every day (24 hours) which is typical of most production systems. This is typically shorter for test systems, and 0 across the board for dev systems. It's easy to forget to change this when going from dev to test to production, depending on how you deploy changes ;)

-- Denny

Paul Klinkenberg

Aug 31, 2015, 7:02:38 AM8/31/15
Hi Marc,

First thing to check is always the log files... In {tomcat}/logs and {lucee-server}/logs
If you're on Linux, check if the WEB-INF directory, and sub-dirs, have appropriate permissions for the user Lucee runs under. This happened to me quite a lot, when ftp'ing a WEB-INF dir to a new place.
As a test, you could run a script with <cffile action=write file="WEB-INF/test.txt" output="" /> from your website root. If it fails, there's the problem.

Kind regards,

Paul Klinkenberg

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Paul Klinkenberg

Aug 31, 2015, 7:05:28 AM8/31/15
Hi Denny,

For the record, the applicationTimeout indicates when the application scope should be re-initialized, if there as been no activity at all in that timespan. On online production systems, Googlebot and it's colleagues will most of the time make sure it never reaches that point ;)

Kind regards,

Paul Klinkenberg

Op 31 aug. 2015, om 04:02 heeft Denard Springle <> het volgende geschreven:

Denard Springle

Sep 2, 2015, 11:27:47 AM9/2/15
to Lucee
Hey Paul,

   Thank you for the correction to my statement. I'm so used to using frameworks these days that I forget not all applications are written using them lol. In my case, a reset of the application scope is a reset of everything - but that's not always true. So, thank you for the clarification! ;)

-- Denny
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