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Cannot consume web service end points from an Amazon service using Lucee server

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Victor R

Nov 15, 2016, 6:08:54 PM11/15/16
to Lucee
I am migrating an application from a Coldfusion Server 9 to a Lucee Server hosted on an Amazon Service
and getting an error when trying to call a method from a webservice 
Verified that the server is able to see the web service though a ping on the server.
Able to dump the web service and it shows all the methods that we are able to call
But when calling and specific method that has a struct as a parameter and a array as a return type 
the Webservice returns an error of type 

These seems to be a Lucee issue because tried to do the same procedure through coldfusion server and its working fine

Nov 16, 2016, 3:29:08 AM11/16/16
to Lucee
I have a similar issue with my Lucee-install on Windows. Haven't found a solution as of yet - it seems it just doesn't work with WS's anymore. The factor "all-of-a-sudden" freaks me out, so I'm gonna delve a bit deeper into this. I can also contact the WS and see the methods, but once calling a method via wdsl I get a ClassNotFoundError, also in org.apache.axis.

Op woensdag 16 november 2016 00:08:54 UTC+1 schreef Victor R:

Victor R

Nov 29, 2016, 11:10:59 AM11/29/16
to Lucee
It seems that lucee has some type of issue trying to understand complex data types being returned. in my case it was an array of object(classes).
Workaround for this issue was creating a java class that consumed the webservice through methods and returned the same values as the webservice calls.
After that added the .jar file to the relative path of the project, instantiated a java object and called the methods.
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