I patched a lab environment to RC1 last week and couldn't get to complete the config until today, when I encountered an issue loading our sites.
Upon load I received the following:
org.apache.xerces.parsers.XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration cannot be cast to org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration
I was able to workaround the issue as it looks like Lucee was trying to load the wrong version of Xerces?
In my install folder (based on 4.x) I had the following Xerces jar
- C:\lucee\lib\apache-xml-xerces.jar
- C:\lucee\tomcat\lucee-server-bundles\org.lucee.xml.xerces-2.11.0.jar
I stopped the server, renamed apache-xml-xerces.jar to apache-xml-xerces.bak restarted and now everything works (as far as I can tell!)
However, I just felt like checking in with the issue/workaround to ensure everything was still good and that there's no underlying problem with the upgrade. I know there were issues with Xerces in the early stages that Micha was working on. (