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3. Will something bad happen inside of Lucee like the engine being loaded twice due to two <service> tags?
4. Should I be using a different <service> "name" attribute or does that not actually get used anywhere?
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If I edit the server.xml and add the <host lines for the site :
<Host name="publicitemurale.com" appBase="">
<Context path="" docBase="D:\luceePie\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\C020\www" />
Then I access the site.
The Boncode is installed,
The valve lines are in the server.xml (from the automatic install)
Any idea ?
Thanks again for help.
Le vendredi 13 mai 2016 21:58:59 UTC+2, Jordan Michaels a écrit :
Web-inf is part of the j2ee servlet spec for deploying web applications. It is created by Lucee the first time that web context is deployed. It does not usually contain the entire Lucee engine, just configuration files. You can also control where the web context folder is created in your web.xml. Is the folder creating some sort of issue for you?
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