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Trying to convert from ColdFusion to Lucee but new to cfml

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Tommy Byrne

Sep 2, 2015, 2:02:18 PM9/2/15
to Lucee
Pulled an app that was built for ColdFusion and having issues pulling information from a file within a config folder localhost.cfl

Error ( 

can't create directory

The Error Occurred in
C:\lucee\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\####\Application.cfc: line 261 
259: <cfloop collection="#application.folders#" item="key">
260: <cfif ! DirectoryExists(application.folders[key])>
261: <cfdirectory action="create" directory="#application.folders[key]#" mode="0775" />
262: </cfif>
263: </cfloop>

called from C:\lucee\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\####\Application.cfc: line 48 
46: </cftry>
48: <cfset initializeFolders() />
49: </cffunction>

Is there something that is not being called correctly or needs to change so that I can pull data from the files to set my localhost testing environment?


Jordan Michaels

Sep 2, 2015, 2:30:44 PM9/2/15
Your code looks fine from what little I see of it. Most of the time, issues like this have to do with permissions - which is language agnostic. ;) Does your tomcat user have the correct permissions to create the directory where you're trying to create it? You can configure what user the Tomcat service is running as in the Tomcat service control.

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,
Jordan Michaels

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tommy Byrne" <>
To: "Lucee" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2015 11:02:17 AM
Subject: [Lucee] Trying to convert from ColdFusion to Lucee but new to cfml

Pulled an app that was built for ColdFusion and having issues pulling
information from a file within a config folder localhost.cfl

Error (

can't create directory

The Error Occurred in
*C:\lucee\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\####\Application.cfc: line 261*

259: <cfloop collection="#application.folders#" item="key">
260: <cfif ! DirectoryExists(application.folders[key])>
*261: <cfdirectory action="create" directory="#application.folders[key]#"
mode="0775" />*
262: </cfif>
263: </cfloop>

*called from* C:\lucee\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\####\Application.cfc: line 48

46: </cftry>
*48: <cfset initializeFolders() />*
49: </cffunction>

Is there something that is not being called correctly or needs to change so
that I can pull data from the files to set my localhost testing environment?

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Terry Whitney

Sep 2, 2015, 3:29:44 PM9/2/15
to Lucee
You could turn UARC off and I bet this will just work.

Or you could change the permission for the service to a dedicated user with full permissions for the path

On Wednesday, September 2, 2015 at 2:02:18 PM UTC-4, Tommy Byrne wrote:
Pulled an app that was built for ColdFusion and having issues pulling information from a file within a config folder localhost

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