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<cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace="Yes"><cfflush interval="1" /><p> This page is running!</p> <cfset sleep(10000) />
<p> This page Finished!<p></cfprocessingdirective>
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The CFPROCESSINGDIRECTIVE was overriding/Cancelling the CFFLUSH.
To clarify: the processing directive does not override the flush, but it suppresses all of the whitespace, so when you do <cfflush interval="1"> which should trigger a flush after every "1" character -- nothing happens because the whitespace character is not emitted in the first place.
In Adobe Coldfusion the CFFLUSH still functions
IIRC then ACF doesn't suppress all of the whitespace (it retains
LINE_FEED characters or something like that), so every "1" LF
character will trigger a flush. If you ask me -- when I write
"SuppressWhiteSpace" -- I mean "I want the WS suppressed", so
that's a "bug" on their end.
Igal Sapir
Lucee Core Developer
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<cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace="Yes">
<cfflush interval="50" />
This page is runnning!
<cfset sleep(10000) />
This page Finished!
<cfflush interval="50" />
This page is runnning!
<cfset sleep(10000) />
This page Finished!
<cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace="Yes">
<p>This has white space removed, but flush still works</p>
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A couple of questions:
1) Are you fronting Lucee with a web server or are you calling Tomcat directly in this example?
2) So if you modify the code and add in the beginning (before the processing-directive):
Do you see the "Starting..." immediately?
Igal Sapir
Lucee Core Developer
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<cfset sleep(10000) /><p> This page Finished!<p>
This test</cfprocessingdirective>
ok, I wanted to make sure that the web server is not buffering the output.
if you believe this to be a bug then please open a ticket for it
in the JIRA:
Igal Sapir
Lucee Core Developer
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