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Lucee is the coolest + upgrade question

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Brian FitzGerald

Dec 20, 2015, 1:15:20 PM12/20/15
to Lucee
Dear gentlemen and scholars,

I've been a JavaScript and CFML developer for many years and I think what you guys are doing with Lucee is long overdue (and plain awesome!). It gives me hope of a new future for CFML, or better yet for Lucee and the Lucee dialect and what it can be. To me, getting rid of all the bloat that has crept into CF over the years (ui tags, excel tags, exchange server, pdf stuff, even orm in my opinion) and making a super lean, extendible core with a focus on performance above all else is a brilliant game plan.

I'm not a Java developer, but I do have some ideas how I can possibly help (with spreading the word) which I will get into at a later date.

For the moment, I wanted to ask a question. I got Mike's vagrant Lucee box up and running in no time (thanks Mike!) and I was processing CFML with the Lucee engine (version 4.5) in a matter of minutes. However, the very next thing I tried to do was create and run a .lucee file and was prompted to download the file when I hit the url, suggesting the server didn't know how to deal w/ that extension.

After thinking for a moment I realized that .lucee and the Lucee dialect is a Lucee 5 thing, so that all made sense. However, I then tried to follow the upgrade steps found here: and couldn't get it to work. I'm gonna give it another go soon, but I'm a server admin scrub so I find these things a bit challenging.

Question, are there some docs around basic Lucee server commands in the docs somewhere that I missed? I know perhaps it's different based on which linux distro you're on (is it?) but after replacing jars, etc., how do I do simple things like starting, stopping and restarting the Lucee server from the linux command line?

Sorry for my ultimate Lucee newb status, but thank you for developing Lucee and taking things to the next level!

Brian FitzGerald

Andrew Dixon

Dec 20, 2015, 1:34:43 PM12/20/15
Hi Brian,

From my understanding of it from Micha (but I've not tried it) you should be able to upgrade from Lucee 4.5 to Lucee 5 by simply stopping Lucee, replacing the lucee.jar with the Lucee 5 lucee.jar file (get the latest snapshot here - and then starting Lucee again. 

Personally for Lucee 5 created a completely new install, however if all you want to do for now is play around with Lucee 5 I would suggest using the Express version, which you can get from the same page. With the express you just unzip it and then run the start script found in the root directory. 

Also the Lucee dialect is switched off by default in Lucee 5 as it is very much "experimental" ATM, and I can't remember how to switch it on, but I believe if you try and call a .lucee file it gives you instructions on how to switch it on in the error message.

Hope that helps a bit.

Kind regards,


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Michael Sprague

Dec 20, 2015, 2:08:48 PM12/20/15
to lucee


Glad you were able to get going easily with my Vagrant project. I haven't tried doing an in place upgrade with it yet, myself, but wouldn't be surprised if it's easier to start with a "clean" VM and do a fresh install Lucee 5.

I've been meaning to do a version of that project with Lucee 5 support but figured I'd wait until it was closer to stable. Maybe I'll give it a go sooner rather than later.

I think Andrew is correct that the quickest way for you to play around with 5 would be the express version. That being said, I have a Heroku Lucee 5 version that runs locally quite easily with no need to deploy and there is an official Heroku solution too on the Lucee Github repo.

Hope that helps,


Owen Knapp

Dec 21, 2015, 12:58:02 PM12/21/15
to Lucee
On Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 10:34:43 AM UTC-8, Andrew Dixon wrote:
Hi Brian,

Also the Lucee dialect is switched off by default in Lucee 5 as it is very much "experimental" ATM, and I can't remember how to switch it on, but I believe if you try and call a .lucee file it gives you instructions on how to switch it on in the error message.

You can add it to the lucee-server.xml to the compiler tag as an attribute and value of allow-lucee-dialect="true"

- owen

Owen Knapp

Dec 21, 2015, 1:09:18 PM12/21/15
to Lucee
On Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 10:15:20 AM UTC-8, Brian FitzGerald wrote:

After thinking for a moment I realized that .lucee and the Lucee dialect is a Lucee 5 thing, so that all made sense. However, I then tried to follow the upgrade steps found here: and couldn't get it to work. I'm gonna give it another go soon, but I'm a server admin scrub so I find these things a bit challenging.

We need an update on that document. Problem is, I'm not sure who's gotten it to consistently work following those instructions. The instructions are a bit rushed in their wording, which I understand given the rapid push forward Lucee running to, but it makes following them a bit more challenging. 

I have followed those instructions on several clones of VMs starting with 4.5 as a base and have only ever succeeded in it working once. And once I got it working I tried replicating the same steps on a VM provided by (which isn't far off AFAIK from my local VMs) and I haven't gotten it to work yet. Rolled back each time.

But now I want to try "you should be able to upgrade from Lucee 4.5 to Lucee 5 by simply stopping Lucee, replacing the lucee.jar with the Lucee 5 lucee.jar file" and see if it could actually be that simple.
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