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so by moving features out of the core into extensions, WAR packaging essentially gets broken? I'm sure this wasn't your intention.
I don't think an EAR file helps matters, Lucee should package perfectly well as a WAR, and extensions should be able to be included in that war for automatic deployment.
If .lex files in WEB-INF/lucee/deploy get automatically deployed when the lucee starts, that's half the battle right there. What about extending that to find any .lex files on the classpath. That way they could just be dropped in WEB-INF/lib by maven and they'll get found.
The alternative is to use maven-dependency-plugin to copy the .lex files to /WEB-INF/lucee/deploy in the package phase, but that requires a lot more configuration than just declaring the dependency
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so by moving features out of the core into extensions, WAR packaging essentially gets broken? I'm sure this wasn't your intention.
I don't think an EAR file helps matters, Lucee should package perfectly well as a WAR, and extensions should be able to be included in that war for automatic deployment.
If .lex files in WEB-INF/lucee/deploy get automatically deployed when the lucee starts, that's half the battle right there. What about extending that to find any .lex files on the classpath. That way they could just be dropped in WEB-INF/lib by maven and they'll get found.
The alternative is to use maven-dependency-plugin to copy the .lex files to /WEB-INF/lucee/deploy in the package phase, but that requires a lot more configuration than just declaring the dependency
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