Fwd: Your invitation for "Cologne Dialogue on Digital Humanities"

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Henry Gladney

Dec 9, 2011, 10:07:20 AM12/9/11
to helga gladney, Tom Gladney, John Swinden, ltd...@googlegroups.com
FYI.  This seems to be working out well.  YTBD whether the conference timing is chosen within a window feasible for me.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: chaim Zins <chaim...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 04:37
Subject: Re: Your invitation for "Cologne Dialogue on Digital Humanities"
To: Manfred Thaller <manfred...@uni-koeln.de>, hgla...@gmail.com
Cc: "chaim.zins" <chaim...@gmail.com>

Dear Manfred
Dear Henry,

Thanks for the invitation.

I am an information scientist; specializing in knowledge mapping and organization, knowledge representation, theory of information science, and more (I am not a librarian and archivist).

Please note that I was at the University of Haifa until 2003, and moved to Bar-Ilan University 2003-2005. Currently I run my own research center (Knowledge Mapping Research). I am a visiting professor in Brazil (working fro Israel via Skype, and occasionally visiting Brazil. 

For detailed and updated CV, publications and projects please see my website at:
and the about page at: http://www.success.co.il/about.html

I too prefer April 2-3. April 22-23 might be inconvenient (it's my father's memorial day).

Please note that I expect that the organizers will cover all my expanses (travel, hotel, food, etc).

Thanks and all the best,

Dr. Chaim Zins

R&D Projects:
10 Pillars of Knowledge: Map of Human Knowledge
Knowledge Map of Information Science

On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 8:20 AM, Manfred Thaller <manfred...@uni-koeln.de> wrote:
Dear Henry, Dear Chaim,
thank you again for answering this quickly!

I'll do my very best to keep to your preferred dates; unfortunately that is not completely under my control, as I have to consider the options of the other invitees ... which, unfortunately, do not answer remotely as quickly as you do and did.

I'll be delighted to meet Chaim! Please consider this as a definite letter of invitation.

I am just leaving for a day long hearing, so I have to stop now. I hope the date issue will be settled within a week or so. Forgive me, if I cannot move things forward until than.

The problem is that North American dissenters to HMG views seem to be the entire professional archiving and academic library community.
This is unfortunate; and at the same time, bluntly speaking, the reason for this invitation ...

I am looking forward to your comments!


Zitat von Henry Gladney <hgla...@gmail.com>:

I am delighted to accept your kind invitation, provided that you can
schedule the workshop to occur either on April 2nd/3rd or on April 23rd/24th
.  Between those two choices, I have a strong preference for April
2nd/3rdfor a practical reason, which you will understand from the next


My family and I already plan to vacation in Europe/Near East, and have
committed and paid for travel and accommodation bookings: San Francisco to
Istanbul departing Sunday April 8th, 2012; Istanbul to Rome aboard ship;
Rome to Frankfurt departing on Monday April 23rd; and Frankfurt homeward
bound departing on Thursday, April 26th.  The Frankfurt stay includes plans
with old friends.

A beneficial side effect of this is that I will not request reimbursement
for trans-Atlantic travel, but instead only for the increment that will be
incurred by rerouting that I have in mind.  More about that follows below.

Although disrupting our Frankfurt plans is not entirely out of the
question, you will surely understand my strong preference to avoid it.  If
it is still possible for you to schedule the workshop for April 2nd/3rd, I
would fly from San Francisco to Cologne departing on either March 30th or
March 31st.  I would plan to rejoin my family in Istanbul on April 9th,
filling in the calendar gap in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem if that is easily
organized and not too expensive.  I imagine that, even with such a side
jaunt, the cost to your university would be about U.S. $2,000 less than you
have budgeted.

I am keen that Chaim Zins be invited as the optional speaker-nominated
guest that your prospectus alludes to.  He is Professor of Human Services
at U. Haifa in Israel (formerly Professor of Information Science at
Bar-Ilan University).  You will understand from his resume, (available at
http://hw.haifa.ac.il/human/hebrew/chaim_zins.html) why I believe that he
would add mightily to the discussions you are seeking.  BTW, he has just
published a book, *10 Pillars of Knowledge*, for which a preview is

available at http://www.success.co.il/book1.html. (I have not yet seen this
book, because it does not yet seem to be available here.)  From this
information, you will surely understand both why I believe him eminently
suitable for the workshop, but also why he immediately responded positively
to my suggestion that doing so would interest him.

Unfortunately, Chaim would need travel reimbursement to participate.  I
notice that this might be possible, depending on what expenses for
long-distance speakers you incur.  I do request that what is saved from my
expense coverage (relative to your prior expectations) be applied to enable
Professor Zins' participation.

No candidate for my debate opponent comes to mind.  I will mull on the
question, letting you know if anybody comes to mind.  (The problem is that
North American dissenters to HMG views seem to be the entire professional
archiving and academic library community.  My summary explanation for this
speculation is the American quip, "To the man with a hammer, everything
looks like a nail", strengthened by the kind of community consensus your
workshop description alludes to.)


As I read the material you supplied yesterday, a number of reactions jumped
to mind.  I will refine these and share them later this week, believing
that you might find such ramblings helpful at refining the agenda and for
guiding the speakers/debaters to make it lively.

Best wishes, Henry

H.M. Gladney, Ph.D.   http://www.hgladney.com/  (408)867-3933

Prof. Dr. Manfred Thaller
Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Informationsverarbeitung, Universität zu
Postadresse: Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D 50923 Köln
Besuchsadresse: Kerpener Str. 30, Eingang Weyertal, II. Stock
Tel. +49 - 221 - 470 3022, FAX +49 - 221 - 470 7737

Chaim Zins, PhD.
Knowledge Mapping Research, Jerusalem, Israel;
Visiting Professor at the Information Science Post-Graduate Program, São
Paulo State University (UNESP), Marilia, Brazil.
Mail: Chaim Zins
26 Hahaganah St, Jerusalem 97852, Israel;
Tel/Fax: 972-2-5816705
Email: chaim...@gmail.com
Homepage: www.success.co.il
10 Pillars of Knowledge: Map of Human Knowledge

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