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Next online movie (April 3): Four Daughters

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Michael Ray

Mar 28, 2024, 12:33:52 AM3/28/24
LTATM meetings at the Del Mar Theatre are indefinitely suspended. Please join us online via Zoom video conferencing software (details below) where this week we'll be discussing a film streaming on Kanopy (anyone with a library card can join Kanopy for free and stream six to twelve movies a month). 

On Wednesday, April 3 @ 7:00 PM, we will be discussing the Documentary/Drama - Four Daughters. This riveting exploration of rebellion, memory, and sisterhood reconstructs the story of Olfa Hamrouni and her four daughters, unpacking a complex family history through intimate interviews and performance to examine how the Tunisian woman's two eldest were radicalized by Islamic extremists. Four Daughters is a compelling portrait of five women and a unique and ambitious work of nonfiction cinema that explores the nature of memory, the weight of inherited trauma, and the ties that bind mothers and daughters. 96% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes: 

Attendees will need to download and install Zoom Client for Meetings (for laptops and desktops) or Zoom Mobile App (for smartphones). It's free, easy to use, and available here:

To join, click on this link:

Or you can join by starting your Zoom app and entering the following Meeting ID and Passcode:

Meeting ID for 4/3: 382 215 7479
Passcode for 4/3: 665576

Creating a Zoom account is optional. You can join a meeting without one, or you can log onto Zoom with your Gmail or Facebook account.

Joining a meeting is easy. The instructions are the same for Mac and Windows:

NOTE: In order to join our online discussion, Zoom requires a unique Meeting ID to be entered by each attendee (below).
  1. Open the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Join a meeting using one of these methods:
    • Click Join a Meeting if you want to join without signing in. Or...
    • You may sign in with your Facebook or Gmail account then click Join. Or...
    • If you have created a Zoom account, sign in to Zoom then click Join.
  3. Enter the Meeting ID number. 
    • If you're not signed in with your Zoom/Facebook/Gmail, enter a display name. Or...
    • If you're signed in, change your name if you don't want your default name to appear.
  4. Select if you would like to connect audio and/or video and click Join.
That's all there is to it.
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