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Next online movie (3/29): Breathless (1983 remake)

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Paul Kanieski

Mar 22, 2023, 11:34:44 PM3/22/23
LTATM meetings at the Del Mar Theatre are indefinitely suspended. Please join us online via Zoom video conferencing software (details below) where each week we'll be discussing a film streaming on Kanopy (anyone with a library card can join Kanopy for free and stream eight films a month).

On Wednesday, March 29th @ 7:00 PM, we'll be discussing Breathless (1983). Plot outline: After he shoots and kills a police officer, small-time hustler Jesse Lujack (Richard Gere) hides out in Los Angeles with a French student, Monica Poiccard (Valérie Kaprisky), whom he knows from a previous affair. Currently 60% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes: 

Attendees will need to download and install Zoom Client for Meetings (for laptops and desktops) or Zoom Mobile App (for smart phones). It's free, easy to use, and available here:

The Meeting ID for our 3/29 7:00 PM online discussion is: 858 3019 7027

Creating a Zoom account is optional. You can join a meeting without one, or you can log onto Zoom with your Gmail or Facebook account.

Joining a meeting is easy. The instructions are the same for Mac and Windows:

NOTE: In order to join our online discussion, Zoom requires a unique Meeting ID to be entered by each attendee (below).
  1. Open the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Join a meeting using one of these methods:
    • Click Join a Meeting if you want to join without signing in. Or...
    • You may sign in with your Facebook or Gmail account then click Join. Or...
    • If you have created a Zoom account, sign in to Zoom then click Join.
  3. Enter the Meeting ID number. 
    • If you're not signed in with your Zoom/Facebook/Gmail, enter a display name. Or...
    • If you're signed in, change your name if you don't want your default name to appear.
  4. Select if you would like to connect audio and/or video and click Join.
That's all there is to it!

And here's the Zoom support page if you have any questions: Zoom Help Center

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