about abstract classification

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Binod Gyawali

Sep 16, 2011, 2:24:55 PM9/16/11
to LT Programming Competition
Hi All,

Is there any other way except rule based approach to grade these
abstracts. I don't see any papers that discuss about rules to find out
the publication types or grades from the abstracts. Or, is there any
particular mapping where we can map a publication type to a particular

Thanking you.

Abeed Sarker

Sep 18, 2011, 9:25:55 AM9/18/11
to LT Programming Competition
Hi Binod,

There is no particular mapping between publication types and grade.
Grading of evidence is performed manually the purpose of the
competition is to see how well grades can be determined from the
information contained in the abstracts. Publication types is one of
the most important factors influencing the grades. Each abstract has a
PublicationType tag and that information can be used. However, since
these have been obtained from Medline, some important publication
types such as Systematic Reviews, Cohort Studies etc. are not
indicated in the tags. You can attempt to identify study information
from the text of the abstracts too and then attempt to use that
information to determine the grade.

Abeed Sarker
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