All of these terms are related to the topic of evidence-based medicine. Here are some short definitions:
Patiented-Oriented outcomes: these are outcomes that affect the patient's welfare, such as whether the patient recovered from the illness, or he died. Contrast this with disease-oriented outcomes, which address disease-specific outcomes such as symptoms. Even if a treatment reduces the symptoms of an ilness it doesn't mean that the illness was cured.
Cohort: This refers to the group of people that were studied.
Systematic review, meta-analysis, RCT: these are all different types of studies. Check e.g. Wikipedia for definitions (
morbidity: See whether you should implement the SORT algorithm or not, this is up to you. We won't check how you did it, we'll just check the results you obtain. So if you find that, for example, all papers that have the words "systematic review" in the title or abstract get always a top evidence level, just use that rule.