OL diaspora top billing in Private Eye

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David Dewhurst

Jul 25, 2018, 8:30:18 AM7/25/18
to lsxcampe...@googlegroups.com, occupylondon
In the first paragraph of the current (27 July - 9 Aug) Private Eye Debt Resistance UK is namechecked & appropriately credited with getting 14 Local Authorities (2 Conservative) to start suing dodgy financial institutions e.g. Barclays, RBS for imo illegal rip-off loans to LAs. I'm guessing it should ultimately be worth a few hundred million to them. 
Now 14 have started we ought to get the rest following. Credit & congrats to Joel & Vica in particular for slogging away for c. 6 years and Ranjan Balakumaran for co-creating the original vision.

Sweat on,


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