Is this how democracy ends?

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Steve Burak

May 6, 2018, 1:15:30 PM5/6/18

Fossil fuels melting, keeping the oil price high, and the people low without knowing : this is the way up the highway. All of you, toot your horns in one deafeningly strident cacophony, and when no one listens, it's your fault for losing it.
The world and all its nuts and bolts, made in the back end of nowhere by people you'll never see who'll never escape out of their countries, is gridlocked, imperceptibly moving like a dying worm, on the congested highway between hell and hell.
A bird on a wire tunelessly croaks a treeless befuddlement, and a wire-foot-broken pigeon hobbles innocently before us : 'rat with wings!' You say, but don't forget all our shit built up over millennia will hopefully keep the rats well-fed as well as all the rich, obese Americans who also go nowhere. Tear me apart for prejudice, if you like - I won't care : you have to be hard to take all our shit, and smile, and I always will. Yet first, mark what you are doing to your world, and let's not pretend you don't know that you're complicit. Of course, you can turn the tables on me, and say that I am, and roll on that clever little game of 'divide and rule' : it's been going on a damned long time, that bad seed we've nurtured in our psyche, in most dire need of being blown on the dirty PM25 wind.

But, remember, when the world ends, and takes under with it, all its ancient beauty, tree-rings and life-cycles that began long before any of our devious obviations, fatally immovable on the Heavenly super-highway, the magnificently plumed, wire-broken- footed bird of grayed Paradise will sing eternity atop a treeless wire, for Love always finds a way.


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