Call from Occupy London/LSX Economics Working Group for a GA at St Pauls on Saturday 27th October 2018 starting at 12noon, regarding the Question/s to be posed in a possible Second/People's Vote/Brexit Referendum.

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John Courtneidge

Oct 16, 2018, 5:55:52 AM10/16/18
to David Dewhurst,,, occupylondon
At our Occupy London Economics Working Group meeting, yesterday evening, Monday 15th October 2018, we agreed to propose to Occupy London/LSX a General Assembly process to start on the steps of St Pauls starting at 12noon on Saturday 27th October 2018.

The proposed GA subject suggested as:

'What wording on a possible second/People's Vote/ Brexit Referendum would Occupy London/LSX propose?'

A friend has suggested that there might end up being two, or more, questions.

Such as:

Question 1)

Do you approve the Present Government's proposed Brexit deal?

Yes or No.

Question 2)

Do wish for the UK to Remain as a member if the EU?

Yes or No.

We hope this proposal for an initial GA is acceptable.

And we hope to see as many genuine Occupistas, there, then, as possible.

In and for peace,

On behalf of the Occupy London/LSX Economics Working Group,

John Courtneidge

Might this GA be live-streamed, recorded and with appropriate PA?


Oct 17, 2018, 4:54:23 PM10/17/18
to Ann Narkeh, occupylondon, David Dewhurst,,
Ah, yes, Ann: of not if.

Thx&best, co-operatively!



Sent from Samsung tablet.

-------- Original message --------
From: Ann Narkeh <>
Date: 17/10/2018 20:50 (GMT+00:00)
To: occupylondon <>, John Courtneidge <>
Subject: Re: [OccupyLondon] Call from Occupy London/LSX Economics Working Group for a GA at St Pauls on Saturday 27th October 2018 starting at 12noon, regarding the Question/s to be posed in a possible Second/People's Vote/Brexit Referendum.

Re: the second question: 

"if the EU"...what?

Might this GA be live-streamed, recorded and with appropriate PA?---
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Michael Gold

Oct 18, 2018, 9:15:47 AM10/18/18
to, John Courtneidge, David Dewhurst,,, occupylondon

Good to run into you all on Monday.

I do believe Occupy should discuss Brexit/Lexit (Left Exit) as well as
whether there should be another referendum (Peoples Vote) but I think 27th
October is too soon. Before we can have an informed debate we need to know
exactly what is on the table and the outcome of the meaningful vote in the
House of Commons.

If you do go ahead with the GA please accept my apologies.





-----Original Message-----
From: John Courtneidge
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 10:55 AM
To: David Dewhurst
Cc: ; ;
Subject: [OccupyLondon] Call from Occupy London/LSX Economics Working Group
for a GA at St Pauls on Saturday 27th October 2018 starting at 12noon,
regarding the Question/s to be posed in a possible Second/People's
Vote/Brexit Referendum.


John Courtneidge

Oct 18, 2018, 12:06:55 PM10/18/18
to Tina Louise,, occupylondon, David Dewhurst,, Michael Gold

Many thanks, Tina for your very helpful and supportive comment.

Best wishes for your Court appearance.

I, too, have been threatened with Court action over 'my' Housing Association's decant process, so they can sell off our formerly Sheltered Housing, now downgraded to 'Retirement Living'.

And! they are refusing to replace the broken-down boiler.

Such is capitalism's callousness.

Again, best,


On 18 Oct 2018 16:54, Tina Louise <> wrote:
I totally agree this should happen but I'm in court that week sadly - would be good to raise our lovely Occupy heads and get involved in the major issues again x


Two thousand years ago, a Roman Senator suggested that all slaves
wear white armbands to better identify them. 
"No," said a wiser Senator. 
"If they see how many of them there are, they may revolt."


Oct 20, 2018, 9:21:57 AM10/20/18
to, Michael Gold, occupylondon,, David Dewhurst,,
I'd say if occupy were addressing the most important issues yet staying true to their statements, debating how the 1% are manipulating elections like Brexit through sophisticated combinations of AI, big data and algorithms using laser targeted fake news, what's app lists etc through untraceable dark money is much more what we were about. Brexit is just one example. We were specifically about #economicjustice, seeing a broken economic system controlled by the 1% as the disease itself and all else as symptoms of that disease. That was made clear every day for four and a half months of the camps.

Is Brexit shambles more important than the murderous Universal Credit, #climatebreakdown, the rise of fascism through sophisticated manipulation manufacturing 'the othering' of minorities as backed by the 1% of the 1%, fracking, the attack on our rights to protest, the attack on disabled people, perpetual wars for the last resources etc?

Personally, I'd say if there was ever an official OL assembly again, it'd be great to hold it on whether we have consensus on officially getting behind Extinction Rebellion. I think what OL decides about Brexit now is likely to be remarkably inconsequential. 

Keep it lit


On 18 Oct 2018, at 16:54, Tina Louise (via occupylondon Mailing List) <> wrote:

I totally agree this should happen but I'm in court that week sadly - would be good to raise our lovely Occupy heads and get involved in the major issues again x


Two thousand years ago, a Roman Senator suggested that all slaves
wear white armbands to better identify them. 
"No," said a wiser Senator. 
"If they see how many of them there are, they may revolt."

On Thu, 18 Oct 2018 at 14:15, "Michael Gold" <> wrote:


Oct 20, 2018, 9:23:08 AM10/20/18
to, Michael Gold, occupylondon,, David Dewhurst,,
PS good luck in court Tina xx

On 18 Oct 2018, at 16:54, Tina Louise (via occupylondon Mailing List) <> wrote:

I totally agree this should happen but I'm in court that week sadly - would be good to raise our lovely Occupy heads and get involved in the major issues again x


Two thousand years ago, a Roman Senator suggested that all slaves
wear white armbands to better identify them. 
"No," said a wiser Senator. 
"If they see how many of them there are, they may revolt."

On Thu, 18 Oct 2018 at 14:15, "Michael Gold" <> wrote:

Janos Abel

Oct 21, 2018, 7:55:09 AM10/21/18
to,, Michael Gold, occupylondon,, David Dewhurst,,
Yes to a GA on a second referendum
One question
  "Do wish for the UK to Remain as a member if the EU?"
Two thirds majority to decide, not 2% as two years ago.

What we believe drives what we think and do
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 2:23 PM
From: Lsx <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "Michael Gold" <>, occupylondon <>, "" <>, "David Dewhurst" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [OccupyLondon] Call from Occupy London/LSX Economics Working Group for a GA at St Pauls on Saturday 27th October 2018 starting at 12noon, regarding the Question/s to be posed in a possible Second/People's Vote/Brexit Referendum.

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Em Weirdigan

Oct 21, 2018, 12:44:07 PM10/21/18
to, Tina Louise, Michael Gold, occupylondon,, David Dewhurst,
While Occupy Economics & other occupiers might want to discuss Brexit and that's ok, I agree with Jamie and Ann that Rising Up and the Extinction Rebellion are more in line with what Occupy was/is about.

I reckon our Solidarity Statement means OL media platforms can shout about the Extinction Rebellion without needing any discussion about it... I won't be a bore and copy the Solidarity Statement again here, 'cos I did that a few weeks ago ;)

Occupy is so multi-faceted it'll be eruditely discussing the economic impact of XYZ and being thrown in jail for civil disobedience simultaneously... as ever!

Wish I could be on the streets more but for now I'm restricted to solidarity,

Rob Blakemore

Oct 23, 2018, 3:51:38 PM10/23/18
to occupylondon, Em Weirdigan, Occupy, LSXCampEconomics, Tina Louise, Michael Gold,, David Dewhurst,
While I'm personally hugely in the remain camp, and attended the match on Saturday, I don't think Occupy London should express an opinion either way. 

Its not an item directly related to our original cause. While the wisdom of it is likely to be endlessly discussed by individuals, there will not be anything like consensus on it across the full Occupy group. 

I think it serves to distract our resources, and perhaps even will turn existing people away from us, for no real benefit.


Email sent from mobile phone.

Obi_Live OLSXWatching

Oct 24, 2018, 3:09:40 PM10/24/18
to, occupylondon, Elf Weirdigan, Tina Louise, Michael Gold,, David Dewhurst,
Greetings All:

I did just attend the London Green PArty AGM and I was the only person to speak about the IPCC REport on the Disastrous Climate Change oncoming in 12 years. Unfortunately, people are stuck on whether their livelihoods or homes are in danger for the next five years and 12 years seems so far away

Em Weirdigan

Oct 24, 2018, 4:05:35 PM10/24/18
to, occupylondon, Tina Louise, Michael Gold, John Courtneidge, David Dewhurst,
Thanks for that sad update Obi, I'm pleased you were there to remind them...

tim Flitcroft

Oct 25, 2018, 7:10:50 PM10/25/18
to,, Em Weirdigan,, Michael Gold,, David Dewhurst,
Just to say the Europe for the Many conference clashes with the proposed date of this Sat which might be a conflict for some people (such as myself)

" A Left strategy for transforming Europe"

Best wishes to all



Oct 26, 2018, 9:08:44 AM10/26/18
to tim Flitcroft,,, Em Weirdigan,, Michael Gold, David Dewhurst,
Dear fellow Occupistas,

In view of the diversity of views on this matter, it seems appropriate that the proposed GA goes ahead, tomorrow, Saturday, 27th October 2018 at 12noon on the steps of St Pauls.

I will endeavour, then, to read out the views expressed below, and, in Consensus mode, seek the collective view.

As indicated, we see this as a process not a one-off GA.

Vert best wishes,

In, and for, peace,

John Courtneidge


Ps, outwith the above, I hope that the LSE meeting, tomorrow (as referred to by Tim Flitcroft) will have taken into consideration our Bromley Co-op Party view that there should be a Co-operative Socialist Brexit.

I doubt that it will, however.

Again, best,

John Courtneidge


Sent from Samsung tablet.

David Dewhurst

Oct 26, 2018, 12:06:14 PM10/26/18
to John Courtneidge, tim flitcroft,, occupylondon, Em Weirdigan, Tina Louise, Gold Mike,
I don't think a roughly representative sample of people who engaged with Occupy London would achieve consensus on this matter. I would certainly be sceptical of any such claims. Although I would love to meet up I am pre-committed for tomorrow lunchtime.

Dr David Dewhurst, 17 Challis Rd. Brentford,  TW8 9PP    077399 73653

Em Weirdigan

Oct 26, 2018, 12:57:28 PM10/26/18
to peter deane, John Courtneidge, David Dewhurst, tim Flitcroft,, occupylondon, Tina Louise, Michael Gold,
Well put Peter,
I think an EWG hosted debate would be a truer title for what is likely to happen than a GA
(although I do think things could definitely happen without 'key Occupistas' if there were many newer faces and voices keen to assemble!)
Em :)

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 5:49 PM peter deane <> wrote:
Hi All,
Is this GA going to happen?
I'm concerned that key Occupistas such as Tim, Dave, Em, Tina Louise and others cannot attend.
But I also agree with Rob, Dave, Em, Ann and Jamie that (pardon my paraphrasing) support for reform, abolition, leaving or remaining is not part of our key mission.
Passions are high on both sides of this debate and I fear it could be needlessly divisive.
That is not to say that a public debate hosted by the Economics Working Group would be very valuable but a GA suggests we are seeking a resolution that upholds the Occupy position on Brexit.
I do not think that this is possible.
Best wishes,
Pete Deane

From: <> on behalf of David Dewhurst <>
Sent: 26 October 2018 16:05
To: John Courtneidge
Cc: tim flitcroft;; occupylondon; Em Weirdigan; Tina Louise; Gold Mike;
Subject: Re: [putneydebates2014] [OccupyLondon] Call from Occupy London/LSX Economics Working Group for a GA at St Pauls on Saturday 27th October 2018 starting at 12noon, regarding the Question/s to be posed in a possible Second/People's Vote/Brexit Referendum.


Oct 27, 2018, 10:38:30 AM10/27/18
to, peter deane, John Courtneidge, David Dewhurst, tim Flitcroft, occupylondon, Tina Louise, Michael Gold,
An EWG hosted debate would be a truer title, I agree

It's really nothing to do with what occupy stands for at all in my opinion

There will be a lot of people getting involved in Extinction Rebellion btw

Climate Breakdown and how to address it in a rebellion style movement based on mass civil disobedience and NVDA seems truly to be the only issue that matters. Everything else, everything, seems a distraction, rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. 

Keep it lit


Steve Burak

Oct 27, 2018, 12:18:29 PM10/27/18
to,, Michael Gold, occupylondon,, David Dewhurst,
Dear Tina Louise and Occupiers,
 Totally agree ... It's time Occupy occupied the dark, sucking vortex that the sterile order  is monstrously spawning : we must be so so close to that point of absolute criticality where the systemic basket tips 180 degrees and all the well-pecked and gnarled apples of sanctimonious and puffed-up neoliberalism spill out and accelerate apace down the concrete hills towards the putrefying gutters of glorious rebirth.
Time not only to reimagine but also act as a beautiful human collective!

Love 🌅

Sent from my iPad

Steve Burak

Oct 27, 2018, 12:27:12 PM10/27/18
to,,, peter deane, John Courtneidge, David Dewhurst, tim Flitcroft, occupylondon, Tina Louise, Michael Gold,
Hey Liz and All ... Yer, I like 'extinction rebellion' but not the name : it makes me feel that we're all supposed to lie down and accept the kicking of a negative self-fulfilling prophecy of failure but just shake our arms and legs a bit with a few screeches thrown in.
🌅 Steve B

Sent from my iPad

> On 27 Oct 2018, at 16:00, Elizabeth Beech (via occupylondon Mailing List) <> wrote:
> btw

Obi_Live OLSXWatching

Oct 28, 2018, 3:21:58 AM10/28/18
to, Elizabeth Beech, Lsx, peter deane, John Courtneidge, David Dewhurst, tim Flitcroft, occupylondon, Tina Louise, Michael Gold,
Originally called Compassionate Revolutionary.  Then accusations of too much fluffiness.

Extinction Rebellion - Rebellion Against our extinction seemed more spiky.  

Apologies for having to take a back seat for now. 

I'll be back once Enzo is off breast milk. Then he can participate in some actions. 

Yours Respectfully. 

Obi_Live OLSXWatching

Oct 28, 2018, 10:27:50 AM10/28/18
to Andria E-M,, Elizabeth Beech, Jamie Kelsey-Fry, Peter Deane,, David Dewhurst, Tim Flitcroft,, Tina Louise, Michael Gold,
Well, I attempted the lactation, but doesn't work for me. 

My breasts can only act as dummies.  Still the mummy. 

Obi xxx

On Sun, 28 Oct 2018 13:07 Andria E-M, <> wrote:

Just a tip: off the boob and walking is much harder to manage. Everything could be edible and even if it isn't , it will go in his mouth in experimentation. One time I went to LSE with M to hear a lecture re research about the Taliban. Sat in the front row with Milly on the boob: noone cared...

A x

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Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt MSc
London, NW52RA, UK

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