RIP Schlake and Ellena

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David Dewhurst

Feb 1, 2023, 9:09:44 AM2/1/23
Everyone who attended the Economics Working Group with Schlake will remember him. and be saddened by his recent death, in hospital after a fall. He had a great history of significant, and brave radical intervention. I thought he had many great economic insights. It was fun to disagree with him and he never let disagreement harm good personal relationships..
There will be an afternoon memorial event at the Mayday Rooms this weekend.

I hope you also remember Ellena Rushbrook who died not long after moving into a care home in Northampton. Despite her degree in mathematics she was typically self effacing. Her refusal to join the internet meant that she established communications with other non-joiners and brought in, and spread out, information from and to the rest of that group. Her funeral is in Northampton on Tuesday 7th.
Thanks to John C for both these pieces of information.

While you are here.. you may have missed yesterday's Radio 4 Today programme at 8.45, where Sir Andrew Dilnot reported his committee's investigation into BBC bias and observed that they had inadequate economic expertise and tended to have political correspondents dealing with economic issues and announcements which they didn't understand, that they ignored many orthodox economists' critiques of the need for austerity, national debt hysteria, Tended only to fuss about income tax, which is not a problem in the way they posed it - ignoring VAT which is paid by more (& poorer) people and not getting opinions from a more diverse demographic. (That fits with the handful of approaches I got from BBC Radio where they always opted out at the end. (Maybe I shouldn't have said I would have some criticisms of the current economic dispensation.)) However, Dilnot said that the BBC were not party political (which I suppose would be confirmed by those who can't tell the difference) but that they supported the left in criticising public spending cuts. Oh well, I guess they need to affirm some Conservative memes as they have more funding cuts and independence challenges to fear from them.
John McDonnell has a conference at SOAS next Saturday 11 Feb 10am - c.5.30pm

[Building a Progressive Policy Platform - Transforming a Society In Crisis  New speakers confirmed - Danny Dorling, Jenny Nguyen, Tanzil Choudhury, Rafeef Ziadah, Alfredo Saad Filho & Mary Robertson Watch & share my video on Facebook & Twitter. Read my article hereRegister here. ] I've not yet been to one of his conferences that was a disappointment.

Paul Johnson, head of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the least bad economics think tank imo is promoting his forthcoming book Follow the Money at LSE  Tuesday 7 March. I met him at breakfast at a conference Occupy sent me to. He acknowledged that a whole intellectual class (economists) could be wrong and gave his good wishes. There's a problem funding outfits like IFS in not alienating the most prosperous funders afaics. He won't be endorsing MMT any time soon.

And finally, if you've the bandwidth, the effect of zero VAT on tampons & condoms has been problematic due to our allegedly free (i.e. misregulated, oligopolistic) market.

Solidarity in diverting the projected economic and ecological trajectories,


Bharat Azad

Feb 1, 2023, 9:27:48 AM2/1/23
Thanks, David

I am sad to hear of the passing of both Schlake and Ellena. I have very warm memories of both. 

Will try and make the McDonnell conference with Dorling. 



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Clive Menzies

Feb 1, 2023, 10:40:46 AM2/1/23

Many thanks David and John

For bringing this to our attention. They both made valuable contributions to our lively discussions in the economics working group and provided interesting perspectives on events and issues.

Controlled platforms such as the BBC are not (and never will be) where reality is revealed, nor are ideas for our future freedom and prosperity are explored. The self-organising, opensource arena in which both Schlake and Ellena played their part is how we cope with our day to day problems and challenges while laying the foundations for a much better future. See page 11 of the latest edition of The Light

Unfortunately I won't be able to make either Schlake's memorial or Ellena's funeral but remember them both with affection.




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Live By Love, Take What We Need, Leave The Rest

Steve Burak

Feb 6, 2023, 7:17:24 AM2/6/23
May Schlake’s and Ellena’s energy inspire us further as we negotiate these increasingly tricky times.
Love to them and to us all🌅

Sent from my iPhone

On 1 Feb 2023, at 15:40, Clive Menzies <> wrote:

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