Advice on Planning Module 4 Assessment Activity 2 - Setting Job Plan Quality Standards

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Sep 18, 2011, 12:07:43 AM9/18/11
to LRS Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Distance Course
hello Team,

Module 4 Assignment 2 requires… 'put quality control standards into
every task in a job plan'. This means that each job plan task has a
set performance that must be done and the findings recorded.

A) For example, the original Fire Water Diesel Engine Inspect and Test
Work Order Job Plan below can be greatly improved by adding specific
inspections and checks.


1. Check water level and top up as necessary.
2. Check engine oil level.
3. Check fuel level.
4. Are there any signs of water leaks?
5. Open fire hydrant and test if this starts the pump.
6. Start engine if the above test has not started the engine.
7. Are there any unusual smells or noises coming from the engine?
8. Let engine run 10-15 minutes to charge battery.
9. Record Run Hours
10. Record temperature.
11. Record oil pressure.
12. Record amps

SERVICE NOTE: Inspection to be done by a Fitter trained on diesel
fire pump maintenance.


Team, the content in the original work order above is poor to very
average. There are no quality requirements whatsoever in any of the
inspection task to provide work quality control. That work order
content will never help anyone to do world class maintenance work.

Including a note about using trained people to do the work order does
not produce quality control. Only measurement against specific set
criteria will produce quality control.

When you send in this assignment please send me a work order with
excellent quality control specifications included in each task so that
you add real value by doing the inspection. Do that and you will get
really useful information back from doing the work order.

The revised job plan below will produce far better results for you.

1. CHANGE TO… Check water level is within 10mm of the top of radiator
and top up if lower.

2. CHANGE TO… Check engine oil level is between low and max level and
top up if beneath low level. Check engine for oil leaks from 1) sump
gasket, 3) sump plug, 3) shaft seals, 4) etc… for all other oil leak

3. CHANGE TO… Check fuel is 25mm above two hours continuous operation
level and fill tank with diesel if less.

4. CHANGE TO… Are there any signs of water leak from 1) radiator
tanks or fins, 2) radiator hoses, 3) engine block water way plugs, 4)
etc… for all other possible leak points

5. CHANGE TO… Open fire hydrant and test that the engine starts
within 10 seconds of when pipe system pressure falls below 500kPa.

6. CHANGE TO… Start engine if the above test fails and if you must
start the engine report the failure of the auto-start test.

7. CHANGE TO… Identify if the engine has 1) hot oil smells, 2) burn
electrics smells, 3) contaminated water smells, 4) etc… list all other
possible smells... For odd noises CHANGE TO... Identify excess or
unusual noise from 1) rockers/tappets, 2) water pump, 3) etc… for
other noise emitters

8. Let engine run 10-15 minutes to charge battery.

9. Record engine Run Hours here _____________.

10. CHANGE TO… Record water temperature _____________ (must be
between the lower value of _____ and upper value of _____) Report if
the result is outside acceptable range.

11. CHANGE TO… Record oil pressure _____________ (must be between the
lower value of _____ and upper value of _____) Report if the result
is outside acceptable range.

12. CHANGE TO… Record battery amps _____________ (must be between
the lower value of _____ and upper value of _____) Report if the
result is outside acceptable range.

B) The Head Gasket Installation Work Standard you presented in the
assignment is not a really tight maintenance quality control
document. If the document is meant to be an Inspection and Test Plan
then it needs to have the inspections, tests and required results
noted in the document. Simply stating ‘Do Proof Test according to OEM
requirements’ provides no evidence that the work was actually done
right. I bet that very few of your Mechanics will actually go to the
OEM manual and see what it says about confirming the quality of their

If it is important that your truck engines be properly rebuilt then
the head gasket installation standard needs to be improved to specify
the minimum quality result for each job task so that everyone knows
when is done properly.

Please include quality control measures in the important job tasks to
prove that the tasks are properly done. If a task is not critical
then do not include a quality check for it. If you need to go to the
OEM manual and find the necessary test/check information and values
for the critical tasks, then please do so.

Now have ago at turning the head gasket installation job standard into
a world class maintenance document.

Best regards,

Mike Sondalini

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