Show implementations of LRMI on the website

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Steffen Rörtgen

Aug 4, 2021, 3:27:09 AM8/4/21
to Learning Resource Metadata Initiative
Hello all,

unfortunately I wasn’t able to join yesterdays meeting. My wife got her second vaccination shot and felt a bit dizzy, so I had to take care of our little one.

Nonetheless I have a small question: What do you think about a section on the LRMI website, where we can list groups, projects or repositories using and proposing LRMI? This could also maybe combined with groups developing application profiles of LRMI.

The projects I’m working in are endorsing the use of LRMI and I think it would help, if the LRMI website itself would have something like a community or implementation section where we can list a bit of information and maybe contacts for each country, so that people looking for information might get in touch with their “local LRMI community”.

I just saw that Phil proposed some images one can use to show that LRMI is used. So this would be an attempt to even take it a bit further and show the implementations on the website itself.

What do you think? Would this also be of interest for you? And where would be the right place on the website?

All the best

Stuart Sutton

Aug 4, 2021, 10:13:23 AM8/4/21
I agree that having a place on the LRMI website is a good idea with one caveat. Before launching such a page on the website, we should work on gathering as comprehensive a list of such initiatives as we can. There is no better negative message than a "look who's using us" page that has a miniscule number of such users. It turns out to be a "look how few initiatives are using us".

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