Liberty Speaks/Liberty Runs

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LP Delaware

Mar 21, 2021, 11:34:16 PM3/21/21
to Libertarian Party of Delaware - State Board
At our event today at the Pizzadili Winery, an ad hoc State Board meeting was called on a motion to select the Pizzadili Winery as the venue for the "Liberty Speaks/Liberty Runs" event being planned by Irene Mavrakakis at the direction of the State Board and the Convention Committee.  Included in this motion was a directive to the Treasurer to reimburse up to $200 for printing costs to produce brochures, flyers, and other promotional materials for this event.

The Pizzadili Winery is not charging us to host this event, will provide food and beverage services, and will allow a limited number of food trucks to provide supplemental dessert items during the event.

Additional promotional information will be forthcoming, but for the purposes of reporting the State Board vote, these relevant details are sufficient.  Irene can be reached on FB and Discord for additional information.

The votes so far are as follows, with a vote from John Machurek outstanding until 5p on 3/23:

Sean Goward - Abstain
Brad Thomas - Aye
Mary Pat McVay - Aye
Dayl Thomas - Aye
Nadine Frost - Aye
John Machurek - Pending
Will McVay - Aye
Jimmy Brittingham - Aye
Vern Proctor - Aye (On Discord)
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