wrong conversion from lp -> mps with "inexact" bound

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Ralf Moorbrink

Sep 27, 2023, 6:55:29 AM9/27/23
to lp_solve

im testing with a model with semi-continuous bounds:

min: + 5.77 * b + 5.76 * a;
a <= 1;
y:  + b + a = 100;
2 <= a <= 100;
sec a;

lpsolve converts the lp-model to mps:

*<meta creator='lp_solve v5.5'>
*<meta rows=1>
*<meta columns=2>
*<meta equalities=1>
*<meta integers=0>
*<meta scvars=1>
*<meta origsense='MIN'>
NAME          LPSolver
 N  R0      
 E  y      
    b         R0        5.7700000000   y         1.0000000000
    a         R0        5.7600000000   y         1.0000000000
    RHS       y         100.00000000
 LO BND       a         2.0000000000
 SC BND       a         1.0000000000

the LO and SC bound are swapped.
in a bigger example SC was set to "100" but i cant recreate it as small example.

I know that this bound is not "good". But i think i should be interpreted as " a = 0".
Am I wrong?

Thank you,


Peter Notebaert

Sep 27, 2023, 7:51:06 AM9/27/23
to Ralf Moorbrink, lp_solve

No, this is correct.

Since you don't use labels before your constraints,

a <= 1

Is seen as an upper bound of 1 on variable a

If you really want that this is seen as a constraint you must put it as:

R1: a <= 1;

Then you have 

2 <= a <= 100

Again bounds on variable a.

Since this new upper bound is larger than the previous one, the upper bound of 1 is kept.

So at this point you have a lower bound of 2 and an upper bound of 1

And that is also how it is specified in the MPS format

 LO BND       a         2.0000000000
 SC BND       a         1.0000000000

means that there is a lower bound of 2 and an upper bound of 1 and that the variable is semi-continuious.

As a proof, read this mps file again and let it generate the lp file:

lp_solve -mps c:\brol\a.mps -wlp con
/* LPSolver */

/* Objective function */
min: +5.77 b +5.76 a;

/* Constraints */
y: +b +a = 100;

/* Variable bounds */
2 <= a <= 1;

/* Semi-continuous variables */
sec a;

Value of objective function: 577.00000000

Actual values of the variables:
b                             100
a                               0


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